Power set in stone: tombs of queens and noblewomen from medieval Portugal


  • Joana Ramôa Melo Instituto de História da Arte, FCSH-UNL




Middle Ages, Portugal, Tomb sculpture, Effigy, Commemoration, Memory, Gender, Power


Medieval tombs are a privileged source for the exploration of women’s reality and its dynamics in relation to the categories of memory, power and gender. Through the effigy and the iconographies of the chest but also through setting, sepulchers provide a nuanced “portrait” of medieval women. While showing them as pious and devout individuals, committed to the communitarian (matrimonial, family) and patriarchal circumstances of their lives, tombs often celebrate women in their own existence and mirror their power. In this article, I focus on seven tombs, all produced for or by the initiative of elite women linked to the Portuguese medieval context, which allow us to observe the real possibilities they were granted to craft (and embody) an image of power.



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Author Biography

Joana Ramôa Melo, Instituto de História da Arte, FCSH-UNL

FCT Postdoctoral researcher


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How to Cite

Ramôa Melo, J. (2018). Power set in stone: tombs of queens and noblewomen from medieval Portugal. Arenal. Revista De Historia De Las Mujeres, 25(2), 323–256. https://doi.org/10.30827/arenal.v25i2.7638