Sine labe concepta. The projection of a catholic femininity model through the Immaculate Conception in Nineteenth-Century Spain


  • David Martínez Vilches Universidad Complutense de Madrid



Immaculate Conception, Religious discourse, Catholic femininity, Female education


This article analyses the symbolic function of the Immaculate Conception in the construction of a catholic femininity model in Nineteenth-Century Spain. The immaculist belief was elevated to dogma by Pius IX in 1854, which implied an exaltation of Virgin Mary’s figure in Catholicism. This served the conservative social sectors to project a model of the catholic woman through that symbol in order to recover part of the social influence which the Church had lost after the fall of the Ancien Régime. The use of the Immaculate for this purpose is considered in three aspects: the change of the catholic discourse on women, the female education and the gender contents of the devotion to Our Lady of Lourdes.


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How to Cite

Martínez Vilches, D. (2020). Sine labe concepta. The projection of a catholic femininity model through the Immaculate Conception in Nineteenth-Century Spain. Arenal. Revista De Historia De Las Mujeres, 27(2), 495–518.