Biographical feminisms: contributions from the history of science


  • María Jesús Santesmases Instituto de Filosofía Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
  • Montserrat Cabré i Pairet Universidad de Cantabria Facultad de Medicina
  • Teresa Ortiz Gómez Universidad de Granada, Instituto Universitario de Estudios de las Mujeres y de Género



Biography, Gender, Women Scientists, Women Physicians, History of Science, Historiography


This essay aims at bringing back biography as an analytical work that provides historical and historiographical pathways towards a transformation of the history of science from a women’s perspective. We review here the historiography of women in the sciences, technologies and medicine, the studies that include them and the concepts and methods used. We present some of the most insightful proposals of what we would define as a feminist historical epistemology of the sciences that analyses women’s strategies of adaptation and the sources of authority they resort to. Such a proposal relies on a set of recent studies on the relationship between biography and history, on the public role of scientific cultures and on the processes of constructing identity and belonging offered by the biographies of woman scientists, physicians and technologists.


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How to Cite

Santesmases, M. J., Cabré i Pairet, M., & Ortiz Gómez, T. (2017). Biographical feminisms: contributions from the history of science. Arenal. Revista De Historia De Las Mujeres, 24(2), 379–404.