Gender, interest and merit: a proposal for a biography of Sara Borrell Ruiz


  • María Jesús Santesmases Instituto de Filosofía Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas



Woman scientists, Spain, Nutrition, Sex hormones, CSIC


This article studies the research work done by Sara Borrell Ruiz. It includes her participation in the history of scientific research in Spain while appealing to her recognition as a scientist in chemistry, biology and biomedicine —nutrition and sexual hormones— among the most rewarding for her and that provided her academic and medical recognition. This reconstruction shows a research space during Franco dictatorship articulated around the life of a woman with scientific ambitions that took advantage of every opportunity to be trained, to widen her knowledge and reorient her scientific interests. By focusing on the role played by her ambitions and merits in the construction of her identity as a scientist and as a woman, the biographical proposal aspires to retrieve for the history of the sciences in Spain both woman’s names and their research work.


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Author Biography

María Jesús Santesmases, Instituto de Filosofía Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas

Profesora de Investigación del CSIC en el Instituto de Filosofía, dedica sus investyigaciones a la historia de las ciencias, de las científicas y el género.


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How to Cite

Santesmases, M. J. (2017). Gender, interest and merit: a proposal for a biography of Sara Borrell Ruiz. Arenal. Revista De Historia De Las Mujeres, 24(2), 287–318.