Women and religion in the Roman world: changing approaches, present attitudes


  • Mercedes Oria Segura Universidad de Sevilla




Historiography, Women, Roman religion, Gender analysis


The analysis of the feminine role in the Roman religion has found little place in the classic historiography about the subject, with few exceptions. From diverse theoretical perspectives, women and their religious activity usually appear as a complement to the official religion, for example, the flaminicae would only be the wives of the flamines; or it is treated as a separate world that encompasses certain goddesses and their devotees, emphasizing their marginality. This idea of “otherness” is also reflected in the interest about the peculiar status of the Vestals. The strengthening of gender studies has been reflected since the late 20th century in a change in the model of analysis: the proliferation of studies on goddesses, priestesses and devotees, the vindication of the feminine role in religious activity and how it gives them a visible and active presence in society. Spanish research will be the subject of special attention in this review.


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Author Biography

Mercedes Oria Segura, Universidad de Sevilla

Profesora Titular de Arqueología, Departamento de Prehistoria y Arqueología


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How to Cite

Oria Segura, M. (2017). Women and religion in the Roman world: changing approaches, present attitudes. Arenal. Revista De Historia De Las Mujeres, 24(1), 73–98. https://doi.org/10.30827/arenal.v24i1.5551