With love but also with rage: Gender and intimacy in a review of Italian communism during the 1960s


  • Mauro Pasqualini CIS-IDES/CONICET




Gender and Sexuality, Communism in Italy, History of Women in Italy, Emotions


The article focuses on the writings of the novelist and filmmaker Lorenza Mazzetti in the Communistillustrated weekly Vie Nuove during the 1960s. It shows how Mazzetti contested Catholictraditional conceptions of gender and femaleness; and how she elaborated a deep reflection on thesocial role of affects. Mazzetti encouraged her readers to avoid dependent and submissive relationships,and attacked conformism with an increasingly superficial society. The article suggests thatMazzetti’s experience can be considered as representative of the cultural changes occurring in Italyduring the 1960s and, more specifically, of the expectations and anxieties about modern consumersociety.


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Author Biography

Mauro Pasqualini, CIS-IDES/CONICET

Investigadro Asistente en CONICET (Argentina)

Profesor de Historia Europea (siglo XX) en Universidad di Tella (Buenos Aires)


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How to Cite

Pasqualini, M. (2018). With love but also with rage: Gender and intimacy in a review of Italian communism during the 1960s. Arenal. Revista De Historia De Las Mujeres, 25(1), 193–213. https://doi.org/10.30827/arenal.v25i1.4715