Porque te vi llorar or the sentimental education of the postwar Spain


  • Begoña Gutiérrez San Miguel Profesora Titular de Universidad Facultad de Ciencias Sociales Universidad de Salamanca




Cinema, Orduña, Traditional roles and model representation, Gender.


The film has been used as a vehicle of indoctrination and ideology of the population by totalitarian states. In the Spain of the post-war period, with the country in reconstruction, the foundations of the state using all kinds of measures are established and the film will be one of them. The film Because I saw you cry (Juan de Orduña,1942), produced by Cifesa, it presents the beginnings of moralizing ideals through the story, with a mixture of regionalism that years later will be colored by the Franco regime. It set in northern Asturias (Llanes), reflecting a strong regional identity. The simple narrative construction full of symbolic references, contrasting the two Spains encountered at the beginning and the protagonists supposedly exemplary values. Traditional roles serve pattern underlying representation and foundation of social functioning essentially of women to almost the present, asymmetric and oppressive relations.


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Author Biography

Begoña Gutiérrez San Miguel, Profesora Titular de Universidad Facultad de Ciencias Sociales Universidad de Salamanca

Departamento de Sociología y Comunicación

Profesora titular de Universidad

Área de Comunicación Audiovisual y Publicidad



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How to Cite

Gutiérrez San Miguel, B. (2016). Porque te vi llorar or the sentimental education of the postwar Spain. Arenal. Revista De Historia De Las Mujeres, 23(2), 247–266. https://doi.org/10.30827/arenal.v23i2.3125