Nursery: Ideological work/ Task of the feminine section (1939-1953)


  • María Carmen Giménez Muñoz Universidad De Sevilla



Nurses, Francoism Social welfare, Health system, Poverty, Instruction.


The Falange’s mobilization of women during the Civil War and the postwar period acquired a character and organization structure similar to the Fascist movements in Europe between the wars. Due to hunger, rationing, deficient sanitary and hygienic conditions, food shortage, etc. a great part of the population struggled to survive on a daily basis. From one moment to the other thousands of new nurses were needed. Most of them were young girls. With accelerated training courses in nursing they obtained their title willing to serve their country and at all times acting with complete compliance, obedience and submission. In this paper the role that Franco attributed to the nurse to ensure viability of that society in the fight against the disease is studied. To conduct this research has been consulted: the archive of the county council of Almeria (Yugo), municipal archive of Seville (F.E. y El Correo de Andalucía) and the digital archive (La Vanguardia Española).


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Author Biography

María Carmen Giménez Muñoz, Universidad De Sevilla

Docente en la Universidad de Sevilla en el Departamento de Enfermería. doctora por la universidad de sevilla (2005). ha sido becaria en el instituto de estudios almerienses. actualmente colabora con el centro de investigaciones históricas para la democracia (uned). presenta una treintena de publicaciones, entre ellos siete libros. su linea de investigación es la historia de la asistencia social en época contemporánea. en estos momentos investiga la historia del psoe en la época de felipe gonzález relacionado con la mujer.



How to Cite

Giménez Muñoz, M. C. (2016). Nursery: Ideological work/ Task of the feminine section (1939-1953). Arenal. Revista De Historia De Las Mujeres, 23(2), 267–286.