What are you women doing here? Feminism and the antimilitarist movement in Spain, 1968-1989





Antimilitarism. Pacifism. Feminism. Social movements. Hegemonic masculinity. Military service


This article analyses the experience of women in the antimilitarist movement in Spain during the 1970s and 1980s. There is a historical relationship between women’s activism and antimilitarism and pacifism, however, the participation of women in the mixed groups of these collectives was complicated because of the sexist dynamics that were reproduced. These dynamics conditioned women’s activism and its development. On the other hand, it shows some ofthe internal debates of the men themselves and analyses what kind of internal reflection they did on hegemonic masculinity, especially with regard to the management of privileges.


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How to Cite

Ordás García, C. Ángel. (2024). What are you women doing here? Feminism and the antimilitarist movement in Spain, 1968-1989. Arenal. Revista De Historia De Las Mujeres, 31(2), 445–472. https://doi.org/10.30827/arenal.v31i2.30054