Women in the lineages and the families. The mothers, the nurses. Sterile women. Functions, spaces, representations


  • Reyna Pastor C.S.I.C.




Woman and maternity in the feudal society, Periodic continence, Lactation, Conjugal duty, Nurses, Sterility, Physiology and feminine nature, Deconstruction of the maternity


The Christian feudal society was a patriarcal society. As it is known most of the patriarchal cultures identify feminity with maternity and ours it is not an exception. In this society it is restored a must be, a norm, whose purpose is the control of the fecundity and therefore of the sexuality. A set of strategies and discoursive practices fit and limit the women so that they disappear after the maternity, become mothers, in a representation or set of representations produced by that culture.

We start from this base idea to construct the ideology, in which the vision of the women, although is also fitted in other plural and heterogenous aspects (mental, social, clasistas, political, etc.), is sustained on the base of the maternity; that is to say, that generates a division, quantitatively nonhomogenous, between fertile women and sterile women.


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How to Cite

Pastor, R. (2005). Women in the lineages and the families. The mothers, the nurses. Sterile women. Functions, spaces, representations. Arenal. Revista De Historia De Las Mujeres, 12(2), 311–339. https://doi.org/10.30827/arenal.v12i2.2986