The unknown Augusta Tranquillina and her public image in numismatic and epigraphic sources




Tranquillina, Gordian III. Thimesitheus, Coin. Inscription. Rome. Antioch. Orient. Numismatics. Epigraphy


Furia Sabinia Tranquilina is undoubtedly one of the most unknown Roman empresses of the entire third century. The sources only indicate that she was the daughter of the Prefect of the Praetorium Timesitheus, and that in the year 241 AD. she married the young emperor Gordian III (238-244 AD), when they were both about fifteen or sixteen years old. Despite the few sources that have been preserved about her, several epigraphs are known and, above all, quite a few bronze coins in her name, although almost all of them are of a provincial nature. In this article we will analyze the different series minted for her in the imperial mints of Rome and Antioch and in the provincial ones of many other cities of the East, as well as the preserved inscriptions that were erected in her honor. In this way, we will try to reconstruct the public image of the empress through numismatic and epigraphic sources.


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How to Cite

Royo Martínez, M. del M. (2024). The unknown Augusta Tranquillina and her public image in numismatic and epigraphic sources. Arenal. Revista De Historia De Las Mujeres, 31(1), 119–142.