Women in the development of sociability networks and library management in the 18th century: the cultural and intellectual environment of the Duchesses of Almodóvar





Duchess of Almodóvar. Cultural mediation. Transnational. Embassies. Libraries. Enlightenment


This paper analyses women's participation in sociability networks and the formation of libraries in the eighteenth century. These were connections and spaces that were formed, or that they themselves built, at the crossroads of the circulation of ideas, fashions and objects with a strong transnational component. On the one hand, I will analyse the participation of the first Duchess of Almodovar, María Joaquina Monserrat, in different intellectual and social circles as a result of her work as ambassadress consort in different European countries. On the other hand, I will delve into the figure of her niece Josefa Dominga Catalá, future Duchess of Almodóvar, and the importance of training and environment for the development of the management skills of family libraries.


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How to Cite

Guinot Ferri, L. (2022). Women in the development of sociability networks and library management in the 18th century: the cultural and intellectual environment of the Duchesses of Almodóvar. Arenal. Revista De Historia De Las Mujeres, 29(2), 419–445. https://doi.org/10.30827/arenal.v29i2.23945