Francesco and Chiara. Masculine/femenine in 13th Century Assisi


  • Jacques Dalarun École Française de Roma


Male/female, Images of Gender, XIII Century, Italy, Saint Francesco of Assisi, Saint Chiara


This article analyzes gender images and the dicotomy between masculine/feminine in 13th
century ltaly from the relationship between Francesco of Assisi and his disciple Chiara, St.
Damian abbess. The absence of references to Chiara in the writings of Francesco contrasts with
the numerous references to him in her own writings. The author shows that in some of these
texts —in particular the “Rule” of the monastery of St. Damian— the Saint appears as an
argument of authority which reinforces the position of the abbess Chiara in her dealings with
the Papacy.


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How to Cite

Dalarun, J. (1996). Francesco and Chiara. Masculine/femenine in 13th Century Assisi. Arenal. Revista De Historia De Las Mujeres, 3(1), 39–58. Retrieved from