Transgressing norms? Gender and agency in nineteenth century Chilean women




Women, Gender, Agency, Irrigation waters, Nineteenth century elite


The present article addresses a series of litigations over irrigation waters where nineteenth century elite Chilean women took part. The objective is to demonstrate that an approach which considers gender and its constitution as a norm to be transgressed, is insufficient when attempting to explain the way in which these litigations are carried out. Instead, I propose an approach where gender is understood as being configured and experienced in specific ways which consider the entanglements of historical context, the engagement of human and non-human agencies, and, finally, its intersection with other power and inequality structures, such as class.


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How to Cite

Stipo Lara, C., & Peñaloza Carrazco, E. (2023). Transgressing norms? Gender and agency in nineteenth century Chilean women. Arenal. Revista De Historia De Las Mujeres, 30(1), 183–210.