Submission and obedience to husband: the ideology of the Feminine Section


  • Esperanza Bosch Fiol Universidad de las Islas Baleares.
  • Victoria A. Ferrer Pérez Universidad de las Islas Baleares



Gender violence, Mysoginist beliefs, Feminine Section


As Psychology lecturers, we analyse gender violence and its causes from a psychological point of view. According to our hypothesis, misogynist beliefs are at the origin of violence against women, that is, beliefs about the "Nature-based" inferiority of women. These beliefs have been employed to justify the subjugation and the punishment to women who break the established order.

In this work we illustrate with examples how the Franco's regime contributed to articulate and transmit a ferrous speech on the role of women, especially through the control exercised by the Women's Section of Spanish Falange (political party) during more than 40 years. In this model, women are considered sacrificed attendants of the family, as well as submissive and obedient to the authority of the male. This speech can not be considered far from gender and domestic violence in our present society.


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How to Cite

Bosch Fiol, E., & Ferrer Pérez, V. A. (2005). Submission and obedience to husband: the ideology of the Feminine Section. Arenal. Revista De Historia De Las Mujeres, 11(1), 175–195.