Secrets and women: about gender and conflict scenes in early modern family


  • Mariela Fargas Peñarrocha Departamento de Historia y Arqueología. Facultad de Geografía e Historia. Universidad de Barcelona



Family, Family Conflict, Secrecy, Education, Practice


The world of family and marriage relationships is still an open field of study. In this work we have interest about the education on secrecy by women and what this plan will contribute to peace in the family. We also want to know the uses of secret things that women make during a conflict process as a way of defense. The family was during the old regime the first element to maintain of social and political order and community peace. Throughout the practice and education on secret we can know best the contribution of individual of subject to the family relationships and get a gender view in these contexts.


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Author Biography

Mariela Fargas Peñarrocha, Departamento de Historia y Arqueología. Facultad de Geografía e Historia. Universidad de Barcelona

Profesora Titular de Historia Moderna.


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How to Cite

Fargas Peñarrocha, M. (2021). Secrets and women: about gender and conflict scenes in early modern family. Arenal. Revista De Historia De Las Mujeres, 28(2), 361–384.