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  • Héctor Gil-Rodríguez Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Vol. 6 No. 10 (2016), Reviews, pages 121-124
Submitted: Jan 8, 2016 Accepted: Jun 9, 2016 Published: Jun 27, 2016
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This book provides pages of unquestionable lucidity, putting transgender people in the center of academic, professional and social debate. It is a social and pedagogical proposal raised from a transformative perspective, aimed at motivated persons and professionals in the social sciences (Social Work, Social Education, Psychology etc.), which provides training and resources for addressing issues such as sexism, homophobia and sexual diversity.


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Gil-Rodríguez, H. (2016). Platero Méndez, R.(L.) (2014). Transsexuality. Support, health factors and educational resources. Trabajo Social Global-Global Social Work, 6(10), 121–124.