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This study focus on knowing the development of metacognitive awareness and undergraduates’ writer profile in relation to the synthesis tasks, highly demanded in Higher Education, but ineffectively carried out by many students. The sample consisted of 82 undergraduates, divided into two conditions in which they received instruction in synthesis tasks: explicit teaching and modeling with thinking aloud. They answered the following questionnaires i) Metacognitive knowledge about synthesis tasks, and ii) Spanish version of Questionnaire Concerning their Planning and Revising Tendencies. The results allow us to conclude that undergraduates’ self-knowledge about synthesis tasks is not adequate, although it can be improved with modeling or explicit teaching, as well as the students with a reviewer or planner writer profile are who show better metacognitive development.


metacognitive self-knowledge cognitive modeling explicit teaching writing profile synthesis tasks

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Robledo Ramón, P., Arias-Gundín, O., Palomo, M. P., Andina, E., & Rodríguez, C. (2018). Undergraduates’writing Profile and their Metacognitive Knowledge of Academic Tasks. PUBLICACIONES, 48(1), 197–217.


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