Contenido del artículo principal
El número de estudiantes con Dificultades del Aprendizaje que accede a entornos universitarios está aumentando, lo que pone en relieve la importancia de realizar adaptaciones que se correspondan con las necesidades de este nuevo alumnado. Con el objetivo de analizar las barreras percibidas por estos estudiantes, se realiza una revisión sistemática a través de la base de datos Web of Science, sin restricción de fecha, utilizando un concepto amplio de dificultades de aprendizaje y combinado los siguientes descriptores: learning disabilities, highereducation, university, barriers. Se seleccionan, examinan y comparan un total de 23 artículos. Del análisis realizado se desprende que, si bien se están realizando esfuerzos por elaborar adaptaciones de calidad que se correspondan con las demandas de los estudiantes con Dificultades del Aprendizaje, las barreras aún parecen ser más numerosas que los sistemas de apoyo implantados. Las implicaciones a corto y largo plazo se analizan en la discusión.
Palabras clave
Detalles del artículo
- Ambati, N.R. (2017). Attitudinal Barriers Encountered by Students with Disabilities in Higher Education Institutions. The International Journal of Indian Psychology, 4.DOI:10.25215/0404.050
- Ben-Naim, S., Laslo-Roth, R., Einav, M., Biran, H., &Margalit, M. (2017). Academic self-efficacy, sense of coherence, hope and tiredness among college students with learning disabilities. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 32(1), 18-34.
- Butler, M., Holloway, L., Marriott, K., &Goncu, C. (2016). Understanding the graphical challenges faced by vision-impaired students in Australian universities. Higher Education Research & Development, 36(1), 59-72.
- Cook, V., Griffin, A., Hayden, S., Hinson, J., & Raven, P. (2012). Supporting students with disability and health issues: lowering the social barriers. Medical education, 46(6), 564-574.
- Convención sobre los derechos de las personas con discapacidad (Instrumento de Ratificación, 13 de Diciembre de 2006).
- Couzens, D., Poed, S., Kataoka, M., Brandon, A., Hartley, J., & Keen, D. (2015). Support for students with hidden disabilities in universities: A case study. International Journal of Disability, Development and Education, 62(1), 24-41.
- Denhart, H. (2008). Deconstructing barriers: Perceptions of students labeled with learning disabilities in higher education. Journal of LearningDisabilities, 41(6), 483-497.
- Estatuto del Estudiante Universitario (Real Decreto 1791/2010, 30 de Diciembre).
- Fullarton, S., &Duquette, C. (2016). Experiences of Students with Learning Disabilities in Ontario Universities: A Case Study. International Journal of Special Education, 31(1), 55-66.
- Fuller, M., Healey, M., Bradley, A., & Hall, T. (2004). Barriers to learning: a systematic study of the experience of disabled students in one university. Studies in Higher Education, 29(3), 303-318.
- Gibson, S. (2012). Narrative accounts of university education: socio-cultural perspectives of students with disabilities. Disability & Society, 27(3), 353-369.
- Goode, J. (2007). ‘Managing’ disability: Early experiences of university students with disabilities. Disability and Society, 22, 35–48.
- Goodley, D. 2007. Towards socially just pedagogies: Deleuzoguattarian critical disability studies. International Journal of Inclusive Education 11, no. 3: 317–34.
- Heiman, T. (2006).Assessing learning styles among students with and without learning disabilities at a distance-learning university. Learning Disability Quarterly, 29(1), 55-63.
- Hersh, M. (2016). Inclusive settings, pedagogies and approaches in ICT based learning for disabled and non-disabled people: introduction to the special thematic session.
- Hewett, R., Douglas, G., McLinden, M., &Keil, S. (2017).Developing an inclusive learning environment for students with visual impairment in higher education: progressive mutual accommodation and learner experiences in the United Kingdom. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 32(1), 89-109.
- Hurst, A. 1999.The Dearing report and students with disabilities and learning difficulties.Disability& Society,14(1), 65–83.
- Jiménez, J.E., & Hernández-Valle, I. (1999). A Spanish perspective on learning disabilities.Journal of Learning Disabilities, 32, 267-275.
- Jiménez, J. E., Guzmán, R., Rodríguez, C., &Artiles, C. (2009). Prevalenciade las dificultades específicas de aprendizaje: la dislexia en español. Anales de psicología, 25(1), 78-85.
- Kayhan, N., Sen, M., &Akcamete, G. (2015).Opinions of University Students with Disabilities on Current Regulations and Adaptations at Higher Education Institutions. Procedia-Social and behavioral sciences, 197, 635- 639.
- Kendall, L. (2016). Higher education and disability: Exploring student experiences. CogentEducation, 3(1), 1256142.
- Kirby, J. R., Silvestri, R., Allingham, B. H., Parrila, R., & La Fave, C. B. (2008). Learning strategies and study approaches of postsecondary students with dyslexia. Journal of LearningDisabilities, 41(1), 85-96.
- Ley General de derechos de las personas con discapacidad y de su inclusión social (Real Decreto Legislativo 1/2013. 29 de Noviembre).
- Ley Orgánica de Educación (LOE) (Ley Orgánica 2/2006, 3 de mayo). Ley Orgánica de Universidades (Ley Orgánica 4/2007, 12 de abril).
- Ley Orgánica para la mejora de la calidad educativa (LOMCE) (Ley Orgánica 8/2013, 9 de diciembre).
- López Gavira, R., &Moriña, A. (2015). Hidden voices in higher education: inclusive policies and practices in social science and law classrooms. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 19(4), 365-378.
- Madriaga, M., &Goodley, D. (2010).Moving beyond the minimum: Socially just pedagogies and Asperger’s syndrome in UK higher education. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 14(2), 115-131.
- Madriaga, M., Hanson, K., Heaton, C., Kay, H., Newitt, S., & Walker, A. (2010). Confronting similar challenges? Disabled and non‐disabled students’ learning and assessment experiences. Studies in Higher Education, 35(6), 647-658.
- Madriaga, M., Hanson, K., Kay, H., & Walker, A. (2011).Marking-out normalcy and disability in higher education. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 32(6), 901-920.
- Molina, V. M., Perera Rodríguez, V. H., Melero Aguilar, N., Cotán Fernández, A., &Moriña, A. (2016). The role of lecturers and inclusive education. Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs, 16(S1), 1046- 1049.
- Moola, F. J. (2015). The Road to the Ivory Tower: The Learning Experiences of Students with Disabilities at the University of Manitoba. Qualitative Research in Education, 4(1), 45-70. doi: 10.4471/qre2015.56
- Moriña, A., López, R. G., & Molina, V. M. (2015). Students with disabilities in higher education: a biographical-narrative approach to the role of lecturers. Higher Education Research & Development, 34(1), 147-159.
- Moriña.A. (2015).Inclusive university settings?An analysis from the perspective of students with disabilities / ¿Contextosuniversitariosinclusivos?Un análisis desde la voz del alumnado con discapacidad.Cultura y Educación, 27(3), 669-694.DOI: 10.1080/11356405.2015.1072361.
- Moriña, A., Cortés-Vega, M-D.,& Molina, V.M. (2015).Faculty training: an unavoidable requirement for approaching more inclusive university classrooms.Teaching in Higher Education, 20(8), 795-806. DOI: 10.1080/13562517.2015.1085855
- Mullins, L., &Preyde, M. (2013).The lived experience of students with an invisible disability at a Canadian university. Disability & Society, 28(2), 147-160.
- National Joint Committee on Learning Disabilities (1994).Collective perspectives on issues affecting learning disabilities.Austin, TX: PRO-ED.
- Ortiz, M.R. (2004). Manual de dificultades del aprendizaje.Madrid: Pirámide.
- Papasotiriou, M., &Windle, J. (2012).The social experience of physically disabled Australian university students. Disability & Society, 27(7), 935- 947.
- Redpath, J., Kearney, P., Nicholl, P., Mulvenna, M., Wallace, J., & Martin, S. (2013). A qualitative study of the lived experiences of disabled post-transition students in higher education institutions in Northern Ireland. Studies in HigherEducation, 38(9), 1334-1350.
- Romero, J. F., &Cerván, L. (2005). Dificultades en el Aprendizaje: Unificación de Críterios Diagnósticos. Definicion, caracteristicas y tipos. Andalucía: Junta de Andalucía, Conserjería de Educación.
- Vickerman, P., & Blundell, M. (2010).Hearing the voices of disabled students in higher education. Disability & Society, 25(1), 21-32.
- Vrăşmaş, T. (2014).Adults with Disabilities as Students at the University. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 142, 235-242.
- Zarifa, D., Walters, D., & Seward, B. (2015).The earnings and employment outcomes of the 2005 cohort of Canadian postsecondary graduates with disabilities. Canadian Review of Sociology/Revuecanadienne de sociologie, 52(4), 343-376.
Ambati, N.R. (2017). Attitudinal Barriers Encountered by Students with Disabilities in Higher Education Institutions. The International Journal of Indian Psychology, 4.DOI:10.25215/0404.050
Ben-Naim, S., Laslo-Roth, R., Einav, M., Biran, H., &Margalit, M. (2017). Academic self-efficacy, sense of coherence, hope and tiredness among college students with learning disabilities. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 32(1), 18-34.
Butler, M., Holloway, L., Marriott, K., &Goncu, C. (2016). Understanding the graphical challenges faced by vision-impaired students in Australian universities. Higher Education Research & Development, 36(1), 59-72.
Cook, V., Griffin, A., Hayden, S., Hinson, J., & Raven, P. (2012). Supporting students with disability and health issues: lowering the social barriers. Medical education, 46(6), 564-574.
Convención sobre los derechos de las personas con discapacidad (Instrumento de Ratificación, 13 de Diciembre de 2006).
Couzens, D., Poed, S., Kataoka, M., Brandon, A., Hartley, J., & Keen, D. (2015). Support for students with hidden disabilities in universities: A case study. International Journal of Disability, Development and Education, 62(1), 24-41.
Denhart, H. (2008). Deconstructing barriers: Perceptions of students labeled with learning disabilities in higher education. Journal of LearningDisabilities, 41(6), 483-497.
Estatuto del Estudiante Universitario (Real Decreto 1791/2010, 30 de Diciembre).
Fullarton, S., &Duquette, C. (2016). Experiences of Students with Learning Disabilities in Ontario Universities: A Case Study. International Journal of Special Education, 31(1), 55-66.
Fuller, M., Healey, M., Bradley, A., & Hall, T. (2004). Barriers to learning: a systematic study of the experience of disabled students in one university. Studies in Higher Education, 29(3), 303-318.
Gibson, S. (2012). Narrative accounts of university education: socio-cultural perspectives of students with disabilities. Disability & Society, 27(3), 353-369.
Goode, J. (2007). ‘Managing’ disability: Early experiences of university students with disabilities. Disability and Society, 22, 35–48.
Goodley, D. 2007. Towards socially just pedagogies: Deleuzoguattarian critical disability studies. International Journal of Inclusive Education 11, no. 3: 317–34.
Heiman, T. (2006).Assessing learning styles among students with and without learning disabilities at a distance-learning university. Learning Disability Quarterly, 29(1), 55-63.
Hersh, M. (2016). Inclusive settings, pedagogies and approaches in ICT based learning for disabled and non-disabled people: introduction to the special thematic session.
Hewett, R., Douglas, G., McLinden, M., &Keil, S. (2017).Developing an inclusive learning environment for students with visual impairment in higher education: progressive mutual accommodation and learner experiences in the United Kingdom. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 32(1), 89-109.
Hurst, A. 1999.The Dearing report and students with disabilities and learning difficulties.Disability& Society,14(1), 65–83.
Jiménez, J.E., & Hernández-Valle, I. (1999). A Spanish perspective on learning disabilities.Journal of Learning Disabilities, 32, 267-275.
Jiménez, J. E., Guzmán, R., Rodríguez, C., &Artiles, C. (2009). Prevalenciade las dificultades específicas de aprendizaje: la dislexia en español. Anales de psicología, 25(1), 78-85.
Kayhan, N., Sen, M., &Akcamete, G. (2015).Opinions of University Students with Disabilities on Current Regulations and Adaptations at Higher Education Institutions. Procedia-Social and behavioral sciences, 197, 635- 639.
Kendall, L. (2016). Higher education and disability: Exploring student experiences. CogentEducation, 3(1), 1256142.
Kirby, J. R., Silvestri, R., Allingham, B. H., Parrila, R., & La Fave, C. B. (2008). Learning strategies and study approaches of postsecondary students with dyslexia. Journal of LearningDisabilities, 41(1), 85-96.
Ley General de derechos de las personas con discapacidad y de su inclusión social (Real Decreto Legislativo 1/2013. 29 de Noviembre).
Ley Orgánica de Educación (LOE) (Ley Orgánica 2/2006, 3 de mayo). Ley Orgánica de Universidades (Ley Orgánica 4/2007, 12 de abril).
Ley Orgánica para la mejora de la calidad educativa (LOMCE) (Ley Orgánica 8/2013, 9 de diciembre).
López Gavira, R., &Moriña, A. (2015). Hidden voices in higher education: inclusive policies and practices in social science and law classrooms. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 19(4), 365-378.
Madriaga, M., &Goodley, D. (2010).Moving beyond the minimum: Socially just pedagogies and Asperger’s syndrome in UK higher education. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 14(2), 115-131.
Madriaga, M., Hanson, K., Heaton, C., Kay, H., Newitt, S., & Walker, A. (2010). Confronting similar challenges? Disabled and non‐disabled students’ learning and assessment experiences. Studies in Higher Education, 35(6), 647-658.
Madriaga, M., Hanson, K., Kay, H., & Walker, A. (2011).Marking-out normalcy and disability in higher education. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 32(6), 901-920.
Molina, V. M., Perera Rodríguez, V. H., Melero Aguilar, N., Cotán Fernández, A., &Moriña, A. (2016). The role of lecturers and inclusive education. Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs, 16(S1), 1046- 1049.
Moola, F. J. (2015). The Road to the Ivory Tower: The Learning Experiences of Students with Disabilities at the University of Manitoba. Qualitative Research in Education, 4(1), 45-70. doi: 10.4471/qre2015.56
Moriña, A., López, R. G., & Molina, V. M. (2015). Students with disabilities in higher education: a biographical-narrative approach to the role of lecturers. Higher Education Research & Development, 34(1), 147-159.
Moriña.A. (2015).Inclusive university settings?An analysis from the perspective of students with disabilities / ¿Contextosuniversitariosinclusivos?Un análisis desde la voz del alumnado con discapacidad.Cultura y Educación, 27(3), 669-694.DOI: 10.1080/11356405.2015.1072361.
Moriña, A., Cortés-Vega, M-D.,& Molina, V.M. (2015).Faculty training: an unavoidable requirement for approaching more inclusive university classrooms.Teaching in Higher Education, 20(8), 795-806. DOI: 10.1080/13562517.2015.1085855
Mullins, L., &Preyde, M. (2013).The lived experience of students with an invisible disability at a Canadian university. Disability & Society, 28(2), 147-160.
National Joint Committee on Learning Disabilities (1994).Collective perspectives on issues affecting learning disabilities.Austin, TX: PRO-ED.
Ortiz, M.R. (2004). Manual de dificultades del aprendizaje.Madrid: Pirámide.
Papasotiriou, M., &Windle, J. (2012).The social experience of physically disabled Australian university students. Disability & Society, 27(7), 935- 947.
Redpath, J., Kearney, P., Nicholl, P., Mulvenna, M., Wallace, J., & Martin, S. (2013). A qualitative study of the lived experiences of disabled post-transition students in higher education institutions in Northern Ireland. Studies in HigherEducation, 38(9), 1334-1350.
Romero, J. F., &Cerván, L. (2005). Dificultades en el Aprendizaje: Unificación de Críterios Diagnósticos. Definicion, caracteristicas y tipos. Andalucía: Junta de Andalucía, Conserjería de Educación.
Vickerman, P., & Blundell, M. (2010).Hearing the voices of disabled students in higher education. Disability & Society, 25(1), 21-32.
Vrăşmaş, T. (2014).Adults with Disabilities as Students at the University. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 142, 235-242.
Zarifa, D., Walters, D., & Seward, B. (2015).The earnings and employment outcomes of the 2005 cohort of Canadian postsecondary graduates with disabilities. Canadian Review of Sociology/Revuecanadienne de sociologie, 52(4), 343-376.