Contenido del artículo principal
Recientemente, los juegos en-línea han tenido una gran difusión entre los estudiantes y esto les ha ayudado en el aprendizaje del inglés pero la opinión de los docentes sobre su uso no está clara. Así, este estudio pretende averiguar la perspectiva de los docentes con respecto al uso de juegos de ordenador en el aprendizaje del inglés, y ver si estas perspectivas están afectadas por la nacionalidad y las variables independientes: género, edad, calificación académica y la experiencia docente. Para alcanzar los objetivos de este trabajo se ha utilizado un método mixto: un cuestionario y una entrevista. El cuestionario fue aplicado a 20 docentes (10 de Granada, España y 10 de Salfit, Palestina). Adicionalmente, también se les entrevistó. Los resultados exponen que hay una contradicción entre las respuestas que avalan el uso de los juegos en-línea para aprender idiomas, y la realidad del aula donde no tienen cabida.
Palabras clave
Detalles del artículo
- Al-Khatib, H., Abdel Malak, M., Sleiman, R., & Zadorian, H. (n.d.). Difficulties that Arab Students Face in Learning English Research Project. Lebanon: Arab Open University. Retrieved from:
- Al-Laqani, A. (1994). Educational Curriculum Development. Cairo: Modern Offset Printer.
- Alabbasi, D. (2018). Exploring Teachers Perspectives towards Using Gamification Techniques in Online Learning. TOJET: The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 17(2), 34-45.
- Awan, R. (2011). Can Playing Computer Based Games Positively Affect ICT Attitudes amongst Teachers? A Case Study of Teachers Experiences Using Educational Multimedia Games as Teaching and Learning Resources in Dubai Public Schools. Paper Presented in 2nd International Conference on Education and Management Technology IPEDR (pp. 226-234). Singapore: IACSIT Press.
- Baniabdelrahman, A. A. (2013). The Effect of Using Online Tools on Ninth Grade Jordanian Students’ Vocabulary Learning. Arab World English Journal, 4(1), 189-202. Retrieved from:
- Bourgonjon, J., Valcke, M., Soetaert, R., & Schellens, T. (2010). Students’ perceptions about the use of video games in the classroom. Computers & Education, 54(4), 1145-1156.
- British Council (2011). English Language Market Report: Spain a Report Prepared for the UK’s English Language Sector. Retrieved from:
- Cakir, I. (2004). Designing Activities for Young Learners in EFL Classrooms. GU, Gasi Egitim Dergisi, 24(3), 101-112. Retrieved from:
- Chik, A. (2012). Digital gameplay for autonomous foreign language learning: Gamers’ and language teachers’ perspectives. In H. Reinders (ed.), Digital games in language learning and teaching (pp. 95–114). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Creswell, J. W., & Plano Clark, V. L. (2006). Designing and Conducting Mixed Methods Research. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
- Dajani, D., & McLaughlin, S. (2009). Implementing the First Palestinian English Language Curriculum: a Need for Teacher Empowerment. Mediterranean Journal of Educational Studies, 14(2), 27-47.
- De Freitas, S. (2006). Learning in immersive worlds. Bristol, UK: Bristol Joint Information Systems Committee.
- Dudeney, G., & Hockly, N. (2007). How to Teach English with Technology. London, Britain: Longman.
- Ellis, H., Kirriemuir, J., Krotoski, A., McFarlane, A., & Heppell, S. (2006). Unlimited Learning: Computer and Video Games in the Learning Landscape. London: Entertainment and Leisure Software Publishers Association. Retrieved from:
- Farjami, F., & Aidinlou, A. N. (2013). Analysis of the Impediments to English Vocabulary Learning and Teaching. International Journal of Language and Linguistics, 1, 1-4.
- Griffiths, M. (2002). The Educational Benefits of Videogames. Education and Health, 20(3), 47-52.
- Hasman, M. (2000). The Role of English in the 21st Century. English Teaching Forum Online -Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, 38(1), 2- 6.
- Hismanoglu, M. (2000). Language Learning Strategies in Foreign Language Learning and Teaching. The Internet TESL Journal, 5(8). Retrieved from:
- Jayalath, J., & Esichaikul, V. (2016). Gamification-Embedded E-Learning Courses for the Learner Success of Competency Based Education: Case of Technical and Vocational Education and Training. Paper presented in 8th Pan-Commonwealth Forum on Open Learning (PCF8).
- Kalyuga, M., Mantai, L., & Marrone. M. (2013). Efficient Vocabulary Learning through Online Activities. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 83, 35-38.
- Klein, W. (1986). Second Language Acquisition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Lee, J. J., & Hammer, J. (2011). Gamification in Education: What, how, why bother? Academic Exchange Quarterly, 15(2), 1-5.
- Madrid, D. (1999). La investigación de los factores motivacionales en el aula de idiomas. Granada: Grupo Editorial Universitario.
- Markopoulos, A., Dossis, M., Fragkou, A., & Kasidiaris, P. (2016). Gamifying e-learning as a Means of Overcoming Its Deficiencies. SEEDA-CECNSM, 16, 86-91.
- Nation, I. S. P. (1990). Teaching and learning vocabulary. New York: Newbury House.
- Nation, I. S. P. (2011). Learning and Teaching Vocabulary: Collected Writings. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press.
- NFER Teacher Voice Omnibus. (2009). Using computer games in the classroom. Retrieved from:
- Noraddin, E. (2015). Three Learning Potentials in Digital Games: Perception of Malaysian University Teachers. The Online Journal of Distance Education and e-Learning, 3(3), 78-89.
- Pavlou, V., & Vryonides, M. (2009). Understanding Factors that Influence Teachers’ Acceptance of Technology and Actual Computer Use for Teaching: The Case of Greece. Mediterranean Journal of Educational Studies, 14(2), 5-25.
- Qteefan, G. (2012). The Effectiveness of Using Educational Computer Games on Developing Palestinian Fifth Graders’ Achievement in English Language in Gaza Governorate (Master’s thesis). Palestine: The Islamic University of Gaza.
- Ray, B. B., Powell, A., & Jacobsen, B. (2015). Exploring Preservice Teacher Perspectives on Video Games as Learning Tools. Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education, 31(1), 28-34.
- Richards, J. C., & Renandya, W. A. (2002). Methodology in Language Teaching. New York: Cambridge University Press.
- Routledge, H. (2009). Games-based learning in the classroom and how it can work! In Connolly, T., Stansfield, M., & Boyle, L. (Eds.), Games-based learning advancements for multi-sensory human computer interfaces: Techniques and effective practices (pp. 274–286). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
- Schmitt, N. (2007). Current Perspectives on Vocabulary Teaching and Learning. In J. Cummins & C. Davison (Eds.), The International Handbook of English Language Teaching (pp. 827-841). New York, NY: Springer.
- Simpson, E. (2005). Evolution in the Classroom: What Teachers Need to Know about the Video Games Generation. TechTrends, 49(5), 17-22.
- Sütheő, C. (2004). Using Online Resources in Teaching Vocabulary (Master’s thesis). Hungary: University of Western Hungary Campus Savaria.
- Turan, Z., Avinc, Z., Kara, K., & Goktas, Y. (2016). Gamification and Education: Achievements, Cognitive Loads, and Views of Students. iJET, 11(7), 64-69.
- Uzun, L. (2009). An Evaluative Checklist for Computer Games Used for Foreign Language Vocabulary Learning and Practice: Vocaword Sample. Novitas-Royal: Research in Youth and Language, 3(1), 45-59.
- Verliyani, Y. (2016). The Effect of Ostensive Approach on Improving Students’ Vocabulary Achievement, a Case of SMPN 10 Kendari. Journal of Teaching of English, 1(2).
- Wilkins, D. A. (1972). Linguistics and language teaching. London: Edward Arnold.
- Yip, F. W. M., & Kwan, A. C. M. (2006). Online Vocabulary Games as a Tool for Teaching and Learning English Vocabulary. Educational Media International, 43(3), 233-249.
- Zhang, Y., Lin, C., Zhang, D., & Choi, Y. (2017). Motivation, Strategy, and English as a Foreign Language Vocabulary Learning: A structural Equation Modelling Study. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 87, 57-74.
Al-Khatib, H., Abdel Malak, M., Sleiman, R., & Zadorian, H. (n.d.). Difficulties that Arab Students Face in Learning English Research Project. Lebanon: Arab Open University. Retrieved from:
Al-Laqani, A. (1994). Educational Curriculum Development. Cairo: Modern Offset Printer.
Alabbasi, D. (2018). Exploring Teachers Perspectives towards Using Gamification Techniques in Online Learning. TOJET: The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 17(2), 34-45.
Awan, R. (2011). Can Playing Computer Based Games Positively Affect ICT Attitudes amongst Teachers? A Case Study of Teachers Experiences Using Educational Multimedia Games as Teaching and Learning Resources in Dubai Public Schools. Paper Presented in 2nd International Conference on Education and Management Technology IPEDR (pp. 226-234). Singapore: IACSIT Press.
Baniabdelrahman, A. A. (2013). The Effect of Using Online Tools on Ninth Grade Jordanian Students’ Vocabulary Learning. Arab World English Journal, 4(1), 189-202. Retrieved from:
Bourgonjon, J., Valcke, M., Soetaert, R., & Schellens, T. (2010). Students’ perceptions about the use of video games in the classroom. Computers & Education, 54(4), 1145-1156.
British Council (2011). English Language Market Report: Spain a Report Prepared for the UK’s English Language Sector. Retrieved from:
Cakir, I. (2004). Designing Activities for Young Learners in EFL Classrooms. GU, Gasi Egitim Dergisi, 24(3), 101-112. Retrieved from:
Chik, A. (2012). Digital gameplay for autonomous foreign language learning: Gamers’ and language teachers’ perspectives. In H. Reinders (ed.), Digital games in language learning and teaching (pp. 95–114). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Creswell, J. W., & Plano Clark, V. L. (2006). Designing and Conducting Mixed Methods Research. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Dajani, D., & McLaughlin, S. (2009). Implementing the First Palestinian English Language Curriculum: a Need for Teacher Empowerment. Mediterranean Journal of Educational Studies, 14(2), 27-47.
De Freitas, S. (2006). Learning in immersive worlds. Bristol, UK: Bristol Joint Information Systems Committee.
Dudeney, G., & Hockly, N. (2007). How to Teach English with Technology. London, Britain: Longman.
Ellis, H., Kirriemuir, J., Krotoski, A., McFarlane, A., & Heppell, S. (2006). Unlimited Learning: Computer and Video Games in the Learning Landscape. London: Entertainment and Leisure Software Publishers Association. Retrieved from:
Farjami, F., & Aidinlou, A. N. (2013). Analysis of the Impediments to English Vocabulary Learning and Teaching. International Journal of Language and Linguistics, 1, 1-4.
Griffiths, M. (2002). The Educational Benefits of Videogames. Education and Health, 20(3), 47-52.
Hasman, M. (2000). The Role of English in the 21st Century. English Teaching Forum Online -Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, 38(1), 2- 6.
Hismanoglu, M. (2000). Language Learning Strategies in Foreign Language Learning and Teaching. The Internet TESL Journal, 5(8). Retrieved from:
Jayalath, J., & Esichaikul, V. (2016). Gamification-Embedded E-Learning Courses for the Learner Success of Competency Based Education: Case of Technical and Vocational Education and Training. Paper presented in 8th Pan-Commonwealth Forum on Open Learning (PCF8).
Kalyuga, M., Mantai, L., & Marrone. M. (2013). Efficient Vocabulary Learning through Online Activities. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 83, 35-38.
Klein, W. (1986). Second Language Acquisition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Lee, J. J., & Hammer, J. (2011). Gamification in Education: What, how, why bother? Academic Exchange Quarterly, 15(2), 1-5.
Madrid, D. (1999). La investigación de los factores motivacionales en el aula de idiomas. Granada: Grupo Editorial Universitario.
Markopoulos, A., Dossis, M., Fragkou, A., & Kasidiaris, P. (2016). Gamifying e-learning as a Means of Overcoming Its Deficiencies. SEEDA-CECNSM, 16, 86-91.
Nation, I. S. P. (1990). Teaching and learning vocabulary. New York: Newbury House.
Nation, I. S. P. (2011). Learning and Teaching Vocabulary: Collected Writings. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press.
NFER Teacher Voice Omnibus. (2009). Using computer games in the classroom. Retrieved from:
Noraddin, E. (2015). Three Learning Potentials in Digital Games: Perception of Malaysian University Teachers. The Online Journal of Distance Education and e-Learning, 3(3), 78-89.
Pavlou, V., & Vryonides, M. (2009). Understanding Factors that Influence Teachers’ Acceptance of Technology and Actual Computer Use for Teaching: The Case of Greece. Mediterranean Journal of Educational Studies, 14(2), 5-25.
Qteefan, G. (2012). The Effectiveness of Using Educational Computer Games on Developing Palestinian Fifth Graders’ Achievement in English Language in Gaza Governorate (Master’s thesis). Palestine: The Islamic University of Gaza.
Ray, B. B., Powell, A., & Jacobsen, B. (2015). Exploring Preservice Teacher Perspectives on Video Games as Learning Tools. Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education, 31(1), 28-34.
Richards, J. C., & Renandya, W. A. (2002). Methodology in Language Teaching. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Routledge, H. (2009). Games-based learning in the classroom and how it can work! In Connolly, T., Stansfield, M., & Boyle, L. (Eds.), Games-based learning advancements for multi-sensory human computer interfaces: Techniques and effective practices (pp. 274–286). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
Schmitt, N. (2007). Current Perspectives on Vocabulary Teaching and Learning. In J. Cummins & C. Davison (Eds.), The International Handbook of English Language Teaching (pp. 827-841). New York, NY: Springer.
Simpson, E. (2005). Evolution in the Classroom: What Teachers Need to Know about the Video Games Generation. TechTrends, 49(5), 17-22.
Sütheő, C. (2004). Using Online Resources in Teaching Vocabulary (Master’s thesis). Hungary: University of Western Hungary Campus Savaria.
Turan, Z., Avinc, Z., Kara, K., & Goktas, Y. (2016). Gamification and Education: Achievements, Cognitive Loads, and Views of Students. iJET, 11(7), 64-69.
Uzun, L. (2009). An Evaluative Checklist for Computer Games Used for Foreign Language Vocabulary Learning and Practice: Vocaword Sample. Novitas-Royal: Research in Youth and Language, 3(1), 45-59.
Verliyani, Y. (2016). The Effect of Ostensive Approach on Improving Students’ Vocabulary Achievement, a Case of SMPN 10 Kendari. Journal of Teaching of English, 1(2).
Wilkins, D. A. (1972). Linguistics and language teaching. London: Edward Arnold.
Yip, F. W. M., & Kwan, A. C. M. (2006). Online Vocabulary Games as a Tool for Teaching and Learning English Vocabulary. Educational Media International, 43(3), 233-249.
Zhang, Y., Lin, C., Zhang, D., & Choi, Y. (2017). Motivation, Strategy, and English as a Foreign Language Vocabulary Learning: A structural Equation Modelling Study. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 87, 57-74.