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  • Paola Castro Universidad de los Andes
  • Pedro Gómez Universidad de los Andes
Vol. 15 No. 2: (Marzo, 2021), Articles, pages 69-92
Submitted: Oct 14, 2020 Accepted: Mar 9, 2021 Published: Mar 24, 2021


We studied the evolution of Mathematics Education in Hispanic American countries. We analyzed the content of open access documents using categories that emerge from a taxonomy of key terms specific to the discipline. We deter- mined the diachronic behavior of the documentation and its thematic specialty in relation to educational levels, mathematical contents and pedagogical no- tions. The results show the exponential growth of documental production. The focuses of study are the educational level of undergraduate and the pedagogi- cal notions of learning, teaching and classroom. Mostly, the proportions with which the topics are treated are stationary time series.


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