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  • Marisa Alexandra Ferreira Quaresma Instituto de Educação, Universidade de Lisboa
  • João Pedro Mendes da Ponte Instituto de Educação, Universidade de Lisboa
Vol. 15 No. 2: (Marzo, 2021), Articles, pages 93-107
Submitted: Oct 31, 2020 Accepted: Mar 17, 2021 Published: Mar 24, 2021


We discuss how collaborative relationships may develop in lesson study groups, paying attention to the critical incidents that may arise. This qualitative research study is based on two lesson studies with primary and middle school teachers. Data were collected through a researcher’s journal, audio records of working sessions, video records of research lessons, post lesson reflections, and individual interviews. In the two cases, the collaborative relationships developed as common aims and ways of productive joint work emerged. In the development of these relationships, several critical incidents had a strong influence, in some cases positive and in other cases negative.


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