The two versions of the poem of questions about the Bible and nature attributed to Abraham ibn Ezra
Hebrew poetry, Middle Ages, critical editions, Alfonso de Zamora, Abraham ibn Ezra, ProvenceAbstract
The texts edited here correspond to a poem attributed to Abraham ibn Ezra that was edited at the end of the 19th century. The present work questions the old edition by proposing a new one consisting on two different versions of the poem from the available manuscript sources. The first one has been elaborated from multiple textual testimonies preserved in oriental manuscripts dated between the 17th and 19th centuries and in which the poem is attributed to Abraham ibn Ezra. The other version has been elaborated from a single manuscript written by Alfonso de Zamora (16th century), a convert and professor of Hebrew at the University of Alcalá de Henares: the manuscript of the library of the University of Leiden, ms. Leiden Or. 645, whose heading states that the author of the text was a “French Jewish scholar”, probably Provençal.
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