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Vol. 71 (2022), Articles, pages 63-92
Submitted: Jul 5, 2022 Accepted: Nov 7, 2022 Published: Dec 26, 2022
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Yiddish cinema had a brief heyday in the first half of the 20th century in the Soviet Union, Poland and the United States, and was characterized –among other things– by its strong links and dependence on both theater and literature. Its production ended abruptly after World War II and most of his titles were forgotten.

This paper asks how to see and analyze it today, since Yiddish cinema is an important vector of the imaginaries as well as the fears of that time. Thus, Yiddish cinema is a valid document not only to study Yiddish culture but also the tensions in the Judaism of that period.


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Zylberman, L. (2022). Cinema that is (in) Yiddish: Images of a Devastated Culture. Miscelánea De Estudios Árabes Y Hebraicos. Sección Hebreo, 71, 63–92.