Se aṿoltará tu maźal. Fortune and Devil in Three Sephardic Versions of a Moralising Tale
textual tradition, Sephardic literature, folktale, storytelling, demonologyAbstract
The aim of this article is to analyse and describe the textual tradition of three written and oral Judeo-Spanish versions of the tale of the man who managed to change his fortune by educating his father-in-law (930*J). Since the earliest known publication of the story dates back to the Osé Fele (1855), a Hebrew compilation of moralising tales, we will also look at the confluence of the Sephardic versions with Hebrew sources. The analysis focuses, in particular, on the character of the devil and the theme of fortune from the perspective of the different textual traditions that affect each version. The tools of literary analysis and folktale analysis are used and, in the case of oral sources, some observations are made from the perspective of studies on the art of storytelling.
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