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  • Elisabeth Fernández Martín Universidad de Almería
Vol. 69 (2020), Articles, pages 31-61
Submitted: Jan 11, 2021 Published: Dec 26, 2020
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The book Dialecto judeo-hispano-marroquí o hakitía (1926-1952) by José Benoliel includes, in its final section, a glossary formed by almost a hundred pages that contains many words from The Romanace, Hebrew and Arabic heritage. This glossary is not merely a simply repertoire of lexical equivalences between Haketia and Spanish, but also includes complementary information about the uses and values of some words, cultural data and phraseological expressions. papel specifies the lexicographical criteria followed by the author in order to determine his lexical definition strategies and analyze this complementary and encyclopaedic information.


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Fernández Martín, E. (2020). Lexicographical Criteria and Encyclopaedic Information in the Glossary of the Dialecto judeo-hispano-marroquí o hakitía, by José Benoliel. Miscelánea De Estudios Árabes Y Hebraicos. Sección Hebreo, 69, 31–61.