An Overview on the Foreign Trade in Algeria during the Ottoman Era (1519-1830)

Una visión sobre la situación del comercio exterior en Argelia durante la época otomana (1519-1830)




Foreign trade , Algeria , Ottoman Era


This research aims to provide an overview on the situation of the foreign trade in Algeria during the Ottoman era, a period spanning for more than three centuries (1519- 1830). The foreign trade constituted a main driver in the wheel of economy and development in Algeria during this period. Extensive commercial exchanges took place between Algeria and several other eastern, European and African regions and countries. Most of these exchanges were carried out via the sea route, due to the long coastline of Algeria (more than 1200 km) and its several ports in the East and West. The most important of them was the port of Algiers. We can understand and analyze these exchanges by tracing the movement of exports and imports of the various goods and products. In general, most of Algeria’s exports were agricultural products, while most of its imports were industrial ones, mainly from Europe.


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How to Cite

Bendjedou, A. (2024). An Overview on the Foreign Trade in Algeria during the Ottoman Era (1519-1830): Una visión sobre la situación del comercio exterior en Argelia durante la época otomana (1519-1830). Miscelánea De Estudios Árabes Y Hebraicos. Sección Árabe-Islam, 73, 3–17.