Religious Tolerance in a Comic Key in the Mamluk Era: The Ibn Dāniyāl Trilogy




Religious tolerance. Ibn Dāniyāl. 13-14th Centuries. Mamluks. Egypt


Topics such as the image of religious minorities (Coptic and Jewish) and coexistence in Ibn Dāniyāl's trilogy have not been sufficiently studied. These minorities had a significant social, economic and intellectual impact during the period of the Mamluk sultans. This paper studies and offers a translation of the passages related to this subject. The methodology of the study is inspired by certain theoretical postulates: carnival, parody and humour, using ideas frequently highlighted in contemporary literary criticism. The results reveal that Ibn Dāniyāl's text is not only a high-flying literary text, but also a document about the socio-political and cultural atmosphere that must be read in context in order to understand the situation of minorities in that period. The systematic examination of the translated episodes also reveals the decisive presence of popular culture and folklore, impregnated with the carnival worldview, which lives in the shadow of official culture and is supported by oral tradition and everyday reality.


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How to Cite

Shafik, A. (2023). Religious Tolerance in a Comic Key in the Mamluk Era: The Ibn Dāniyāl Trilogy. Miscelánea De Estudios Árabes Y Hebraicos. Sección Árabe-Islam, 72, 375–393.


