El año que viene en Tánger: the literary city of Ramón Buenaventura





Tangier, exile, identity, literature, memory, cosmopolitanism


The objective of this paper is to show the literary map of Tangier in the novel El año que viene en Tánger of the tangerine writer Ramón Buenaventura (1940) to analyze how his work is built apparently around two axes: memory and sex, her once, they come together in a single idea, Tangier. Following the studies around the exile of comparatist Claudio Guillén and from a hermeneutical methodological perspective, we intend to present the recovery -or loss- of the author's identity through language in his literature, an identity that starts from the deep uprooting that Buenaventura suffers when, in 1958, he felt expelled from paradise. The foregoing leads us to conclude that it is through the literary language held in memory that Ramón Buenaventura manages to configure his hometown, Tangier, which has nothing to do with the mythical image projected in last years.


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How to Cite

Giménez Caro, I. (2022). El año que viene en Tánger: the literary city of Ramón Buenaventura. Miscelánea De Estudios Árabes Y Hebraicos. Sección Árabe-Islam, 71, 151–162. https://doi.org/10.30827/meaharabe.v71.21478


