Al-Fārābī, “on the aims of Aristotle’s Metaphysics”. Text, translation, and notes


  • Kamal Andrés Cumsille Marzouka Universidad de Chile
  • Benjamín Antonio Figueroa Lackington Universidad de Michigan



al-Fārābī, Agrāḍ, Aristotle, Metaphysics, Arabic philosophy


This document offers a new Spanish translation of the Maqāla fī agrāḍ al-ḥakīm fī kitāb Mā ba„d al-ṭabī„a (Treatise on the Aims of „the Sage‟ in the Book of Metaphysics) written by Abū Naṣr al-Fārābī (d. 339/950-951). On a methodological level, our interpreta- tion is mainly informed by the work of Jon McGinnis, David Reisman, Amos Bertolacci, and —more significantly— Dimitri Gutas, with regard to both the translation of key philo- sophical terms and to the rearrangement of the text in paragraphs. In this sense, we aim to provide a new Spanish translation of the Agrāḍ —based in Friedrich Heinrich Dieterici‘s edition— that takes into account the latest developments in the field of Arabic studies and, particularly, in the study of al-Fārābī‘s philosophical oeuvre. To facilitate the comparison of the original and the translated text, we have included Dieterici‘s transcription with punctuations and rearranged paragraphs.


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How to Cite

Cumsille Marzouka, K. A., & Figueroa Lackington, B. A. (2021). Al-Fārābī, “on the aims of Aristotle’s Metaphysics”. Text, translation, and notes. Miscelánea De Estudios Árabes Y Hebraicos. Sección Árabe-Islam, 70, 441–452.


