Edition and translation of the Ḥassāní manuscript of the first Mauritanian constitution


  • Ahmed Salem Ould Mohamed Baba Universidad Complutense de Madrid




Legal dialect texts, Writing of Ḥassāniyya dialect, Ḥassāniyya dialect, Writing of Arabic dialects, Maghreb´s dialects


The purpose of this paper is to present and discuss the manuscript that contains the full text of Mauritania‟s first constitution translated from French to Ḥassāniyya in 1959. The manuscript is one of the first dialectal Ḥassāniyya texts to be preserved in wri- ting. As a legal text, the translation from French to Ḥassāniyya posed a considerable cha- llenge but was possible with the use of the traditional Ḥassāni lexicon. The editing of the manuscript text followed the usual methodology, taking into account that the text is dialec- tal and for this reason the restitution must follow the grammar rules of Ḥassāniyya. Given this circumstance, the editing process entailed transcribing the manuscript in its original dialectal version, which reflects the linguistic features of the Ḥassāniyya dialect. The text, in addition to the value of its legal content, constitutes one of the first texts written in this dialect and can be considered a successful attempt to strengthen a dialect writing system.


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Author Biography

Ahmed Salem Ould Mohamed Baba, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Profesor titular de Estdios Árabes e Islámicos


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How to Cite

Ould Mohamed Baba, A. S. (2021). Edition and translation of the Ḥassāní manuscript of the first Mauritanian constitution. Miscelánea De Estudios Árabes Y Hebraicos. Sección Árabe-Islam, 70, 239–265. https://doi.org/10.30827/meaharabe.v70i0.15122


