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  • Victoria Khraiche Ruiz-Zorrilla
Vol. 58 (2009), Articles, pages 175-198
Submitted: Apr 2, 2020 Published: Jan 6, 2009
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Centers on the Palestinian poet Tawfiq Zayyād`s interest in folklore as reflected in his poetry as well as in his essays on the Palestinian folk literature gathered in his two books "About Literature and Palestinian Folk-Literature", 1970 and "Examples of Palestinian Folk Literature", 1974. The genesis and content of both works are presented, together with a translation of the poem «Sirhān and the Pipeline», inspired in different oral genres.


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Khraiche Ruiz-Zorrilla, V. (2009). Importancia del folclore para Tawfiq Zayyād a través de sus ensayos sobre poesía popular palestina y el poema parapopular "Sirḥān y el oleoducto". Miscelánea De Estudios Árabes Y Hebraicos. Sección Árabe-Islam, 58, 175–198. Retrieved from