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  • Inmaculada Camarero Castellano
Vol. 58 (2009), Articles, pages 23-53
Submitted: Apr 2, 2020 Published: Jan 6, 2009
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Under the "azaque", any Muslim is legally bound to pay for the herds he owns, but only when the following three conditions are met: he owns the minimum required; he has been the owner at least for one year; and the tax collector is able to reach the place where the herds are kept. The article offers for the first time the systematic structure of this tax to be collected for ownership of camels, large livestock and small livestock.


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How to Cite

Camarero Castellano, I. (2009). El azaque (zakāt/ṣadaqa) de los rebaños en el Derecho Islámico. Miscelánea De Estudios Árabes Y Hebraicos. Sección Árabe-Islam, 58, 23–53. Retrieved from