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  • Raúl González Arévalo Universidad de Granada
Vol. 67 (2018), Articles, pages 119-137
Submitted: Mar 25, 2020 Published: Jan 17, 2018
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The absence of a clear legal status and the scarcity of first-hand testimonies has traditionally made difficult the study of the recognition and settling down of Italian communities within the Kingdom of Granada. Based on Italian sources, even unpublished, and the discussion of historiographic models, this article re-examines recognition and identification formulae of foreign nations in Nasrid soil, their number and the settling conditions of Genoese, Venetians and Florentines.


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González Arévalo, R. (2018). Nella terra degli infedeli. Recognition, identification and settling conditions of Italian communities in the Kingdom of Granada (15th century). Miscelánea De Estudios Árabes Y Hebraicos. Sección Árabe-Islam, 67, 119–137. Retrieved from