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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The paper has never been published nor has it been submitted to any other journal (if this is not the case, an explanation must be given to the editor in the Comments section).
  • The file sent is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF or WordPerfect, as well as PDF.
  • DOI / Websites have been included for the references wherever possible.
  • The text is single spaced; 12 point Times New Roman Unicode font is used (10 for footnotes and photo captions); italics are used instead of underlining (except URL addresses); and all of the illustrations, figures and tables are within the text, in their place, and not at the very end.
  • The text meets all of the bibliographical and style requirements indicated in the Author guidelines, which can be found below.
  • If the text is being sent to a journal section that is reviewed by peers, the author must see to it that the instructions set forth in Ensuring a double blind review have been followed.

Author Guidelines


1. As a general rule only original and previously unpublished papers will be accepted. They must be submitted using the OJS platform on the journal's web page: All papers must be sent in electronic version, preferably in Word and in PDF.  If the article contains photos or illustrations, they should be sent separately, numbered, in a JPG file.

2. All papers received will be subjected to a double-blind peer review process. Following the meeting of the Editorial Board the Journal Secretary will inform the authors whether their papers have been accepted or rejected.

3. Manuscripts can be presented in Spanish, French, English or Arabic. The Times New Roman Unicode font should be used, 12 point for the main text and 10 point for the notes and photo captions.

4. The author must attach a separate document, in Spanish and English and also in the language in which the paper is written, that contains the title, an abstract and key words (no more than 5). The abstract should be between 150 and 200 words long and must clearly state the aim of the research, the methodology used, the main results and a brief indication of the conclusions.

5. Order and authorship contribution. In the case of multiple authors, they should indicate after their names and in a footnote the system followed in the order of authorship. Likewise, if applicable, they should include in that note the specific contribution made by each of them to the published work. See Authorship Policy:

6. The paper must be no longer than 15,000 words in total. If it is accompanied by non-textual elements (graphs, charts, maps, photos, illustrations, etc.) there should be no more than 10 such elements. Images must have a resolution of at least 300 pixels. In the case of book reviews, they should be no more than 2,200 words in length.

7. Papers should be preceded by a sheet containing the title, the author's (or authors') name, address for correspondence, institution, e-mail and telephone number. The date of submission to the journal must also be indicated.

8. Following system for the transliteration of Arabic in Spanish texts should be used: ’ - b - t - ṯ - ŷ - ḥ - j - d - ḏ - r - z - s - ð - ṣ - ḍ - ṭ - ẓ - ‘ - g - f - q - k - l - m - n - h - w - y. Vowels: a - i - u - ā - ī -ū. Dipthongs: ay – aw. Alif maqṣūra is àhamza is not transliterated if it appears at the beginning; tā’ marbūṭa is a in absolute state, and at in construct state; the article is transliterated al- or l- , including before sun letters; and a dash is used only with those elements that are linked graphically in Arabic writing but can be independent morphologically. For the titles, abstracts and key words in English, the following transliteration system should be used (it differs only with respect to the consonants): ’ - b - t - th - j - ḥ - kh - d - dh - r - z - s - sh - ṣ - ḍ  - ṭ - ẓ - ‘ - gh - f - q - k - l - m - n - h - w – y. Articles written in other languages may use the usual transliteration system in those languages.

9. Footnotes should indicate only the surname or surnames of the author in lower case, the abbreviated title, volume and page number/s. For example:

Book: García Gómez. Silla del Moro, p. 1. or pp. 1-2.

Book chapter or article: Reysoo. “Métaphores spatiales”, p. 127. or pp. 127-128.

10. Paper's final section must indicate the bibliography used. The list of sources, formatted using hanging indent, should be in alphabetical order with the surname/s appearing in upper case, followed by a comma and then the given name in lower case. The Index Islamicus system should be used (titles of books, journals and acts in italics and the titles of papers, reviews or presentations inside quotation marks; City: Publisher, year, pp.). In the case of monographs, the elements of the bibliographical references should be separated by periods (Author. Title. Place of publication). In the case of articles, the year of publication should appear in parenthesis following the journal issue. In electronic references the DOI should be provided whenever possible and, if not, the date the source was accessed should be specified.  For example:


GARCÍA GÓMEZ, Emilio. Silla del Moro y nuevas escenas andaluzas. Granada: Fundación Rodríguez Acosta, 1978.

Chapter of book:

REYSOO, Fenneke. “Métaphores spatiales et sociales au Maghreb”. In Mercedes del AMO (ed.). El imaginario, la referencia y la diferencia: siete estudios acerca de la mujer árabe. Granada: Departamento de Estudios Semíticos, 1997, pp.127-141.


FÓRNEAS BESTEIRO, José Mª. “Sobre un hito en la lexicografía árabe-española: el diccionario de Julio Cortés”. Miscelánea de Estudios Árabes y Hebraicos. Sección Árabe Islam, 45 (1996), pp.313-321.

Electronic article:

LÓPEZ GARCÍA, Bernabé. “Juan Goytisolo y Marruecos”. Revista de Estudios Internacionales Mediterráneos, 22 (2017), pp.187-201. DOI:

Other electronic references:

BERTOLUZZI, Giulia. “La violence contre les femmes en débat en Tunisie”. Available on,1853 [accessed 27/07/2018].

11. Authors agree to correct the first proofs within a period of fifteen days following receipt and not to make significant changes or additions to the original text.

12. For the items published, the authors will receive one copy of the corresponding issue.

14. Research Funding: Where appropriate, articles should indicate in a footnote at the end of the title the funding(s) agency(ies) and the code(s) of the project(s) within the framework of which the research leading to the publication has been developed. The corresponding author in charge of submitting the article to the journal website must include this metadata at the time of the submission in the corresponding section.

14. The journal is not responsible for the opinions expressed by the authors.


1. The proposal for a Monograph for the magazine Miscelánea de Estudios Árabes y HebraicosSección Árabe Islam will be sent before May 30th through the email and have to contain the following information:

- Title of the Monograph.

- Description of the objectives and justification of the proposed topic (maximum 700 words).

- Abbreviated CV (maximum 300 words) of the person in charge of the coordination.

- Author, title and brief summary of each of the planned works (maximum 300 words).

2. As a general rule, the journal will accept a minimum of four articles and a maximum of eight.

3. Once the positive evaluation of the Monograph has been received, authors must upload their articles to the OJS platform.

4. Articles received for the Monograph section will be subject to the same review and evaluation process as the rest of the articles submitted to MEAH-AI.

Good editorial practices on gender equality

Journal Miscelánea de Estudios Árabes y Hebraicos Sección Árabe-Islam (MEAH-AI) is constantly transforming its editorial policies to promote gender equality. MEAH-AI implements these recommendations concretely through the following actions:

1 Editorial participation

The journal adopts measures to ensure a balanced editorial composition of women and men, both in the composition of the different teams of the journal and in the participation of reviewers who evaluate the papers. In both cases, MEAH-AI has a percentage of women greater than 40%.

2 Use of inclusive language

MEAH-AI promotes the use of inclusive language in scientific articles based on the full and equal participation of women in society and with the principle of gender equality. In this sense, MEAH-AI Author Guidelines include specific recommendations in favor of the use of inclusive language in published articles and works ( ).

For a more detailed development of alternatives and proposals for use, it is recommended to consult the Equality Unit of the University of Granada on language and inclusive communication ( or the United Nations web, section: Gender-inclusive language (

3 Sex and gender in research

Papers must avoid gender stereotypes and biases that adopt the masculine as a universal reference, exacerbate biological differences or naturalize socially constructed differences. Likewise, they must consider the sex variable in any type of research on people, animals, tissues or cells, that is:

  1. Reflect and decide on the sex composition of the samples in a well-founded way and report the sex of the people investigated.
  2. Analyze the existing differences within each of the sexes and present the results distinguished by sex.
  3. Specify the first name of the bibliographic references to make the genre visible in the research.

Authorship policy

In the list of authors, only individuals who have made an intellectual contribution to the development of the work should be included. Assisting just in data collection or participating in any technique are not sufficient criteria for being listed as an author. To assume responsibility for the content, the author of a paper must have been significantly involved in the conception and development of the work and must also agree with the final version of the article.

In general, the following requirements must be met  for someone to be listed as an author:

  1. To have participated in the conception and design, data acquisition, or data analysis and interpretation of the work that has resulted in the article in question.
  2. To have participated in the writing of the text and possible reviews.
  3. To have approved the version that will finally be published.

According to good editorial practices for the publication of scientific journals, an author of a published work is considered to be a person who has made a significant intellectual contribution to it.

To determine this, the contribution of each autor to the manuscript should be specified, such as bibliography search, figures, study design, data collection, data analysis, data interpretation, writing, etc. CRediT taxonomy may also be useful. Please refer to for more information on the fourteen roles that can be attributed to authors: conceptualization, data curation, formal analysis, funding acquisition, investigation, methodology, project administration, resources, software, supervision, validation, visualization, writing-original draft, and writing-review and editing.

If all authors have contributed equally, it is not necessary to specify, as it is assumed when this information is not specified. To determine the order of authorship in the paper, authors can use one of the following two practices, which should be specified after their names with a footnote:

  • Sequence-determines-credit" approach (SDC): The order of authorship indicates the importance of the contribution to the article.
  • "Equal contribution" norm (EC): The alphabetical sequence of last names is used to recognize similar contributions or to avoid disputes in collaboration groups.


Originality of work. As a general rule only original and previously unpublished papers will be accepted. Submissions are to be sent through the OJS following the author guidelines that appear in the journal's printed form and also its online version  (See Submissions-Author guidelines)

As a general rule articles by the same author will not be published in consecutive issues, although exceptions will occasionally be made.


Abstracts are not required.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.