Thinking the image

On the Christian paradigm of representation in the Middle Ages



Image, Medieval images, imago, Middle Ages, Ars Moriendi


In the medieval Christian world, pictorial representations helped the faithful to experience the sacred. Thus, reflecting on the uses and manipulation of images is not only a theoretical question, but also a concern with their modes of operation and reception. Indeed, the aim of our article is to analyze the importance of the image as a means of expression, communication and aesthetic mechanism in medieval Christian society. To do so, we will review the concept of image in the Middle Ages in order to understand the decisive role of the articulation between texts and images for the success of the pedagogy of the good to die at the end of the 15th century. Finally, we will reflect on the particularities of the use of engravings in the medieval religious experience.


Fuentes primarias

Anónimo. Art de Be Morir. c. 1493. Incunable impreso por Pablo Hurus en Zaragoza. En catalán. Once grabados. Sector de Reservados. 11-VI-41. Biblioteca da Catalunya, Barcelona

Anónimo. Arte de Bien Morir y breve confessionário. En castellano. Incunable impreso por Pablo Hurus en Zaragoza. 1480. Once grabados. Biblioteca del Monasterio de San Lorenzo Escorial, España.

Fuentes secundarias

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