Territories in transformation: the lagoon of Venice and the works of protection against the high tides


  • Rita Vianello Università Ca'Foscari Venezia (UNIVE)


Venice, Lagoon, High tides, Industrialization, Marghera, Engineering


The Venice lagoon is actually the result of a long series of human intervention aimed at its preservation. The largest and most severe lagoon environment alterations occurred since the early twentieth century with the reclamation of lagoon areas for agricultural and industrial uses. The birth of the Marghera industrial area has increased, in addition to pollution, the problem of subsidence of Venice because of the withdrawal of groundwater. Together with land reclamation, subsidence and today's climate changes have increased the phenomenon of high tides in town. He has thus necessitated a series of ambitious and demanding works for the safeguarding of Venice and its defense from high waters. Of demanding works have become necessary to defend the city, among them we find the most impressive work of engineering ever made before: the project MOSE ( Experimental Electromechanical Module). The execution of the work was entrusted to the Consorzio Venezia Nuova, the only dealer acting on behalf of the Ministry of infrastructure and Transport and the Venice Waters (today Interregional Superintendency for Public Works Triveneto) and consist of the placement of mobil dams in the port mouths, that will allow to is o late the lagoon from the sea. But what is the reaction of those who are the users of the lagoon to such massive and invasive work? What are the consequences on the delicate lagoon ecosystem? And what are the conflicts which followed? In this article I will examine what is the perception of these interventions among the inhabitants of the lagoon and between economic groups that own the lagoon and make their living, primarily fishermen.

Author Biography

Rita Vianello, Università Ca'Foscari Venezia (UNIVE)

Rita Vianello tiene un doctorado en Etnología y uno en Historia Social por la Universidad Ca' Foscari de Venecia, en Italia, y la Universidad de la Bretagne Occidentale de Brest, en Francia. Sus trabajos de investigación se centran en la antropología ambiental, las culturas marítimas, el conocimiento local y la aculturación alimentaria. Desde el punto de vista de sus publicaciones, escribió tres monografías: Pescatori di Pellestrina. La cultura de la pesca nell'isola veneziana, Il Condoliere y L'oro nero della laguna di Venezia: la mitilicoltura tra eredità culturali e nuove tradizioni en 2017


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