From autonomy to the common: interviews Christian Laval and Pierre Dardot


  • Amador Fernández-Savater Independiente


Laval, Dardot, Common, Castoriadis, Crisis


This interview by Amador Femández-Savater to Christian Laval and Pierre Dardot addresses the theoretical-political proposal of these two authors about the publication ofhis work Commun: Essai sur la révolution au XXIe siècle, edited in Castilian by Gedisa in the year 2015 (Common: essay on the revolution in the Twenty-First Century). This conversation to three, dips in the validity of the proposals of the genuine collective Socialism or Barbarism of which they took part next to Comelius Castoriadis, paying particular attention to the support of practica! models in the pretension of the group to surpass the purely theoretical development in spaces restricted to the intellectual world. Castoriadis own thinking, especially his conception of the relations between culture and politics, the analysis of the bureaucratization of the social world in capitalism, institutions and the revolution, tied to the modem democratic project. In this context, the Common proposal emerges far a radical democracy capable of facing the neoliberal offensive.

Author Biography

Amador Fernández-Savater, Independiente

Editor, investigador independiente y activista de los movimientos sociales madrileños, ha leído, editado y escrito sobre Cornelius Castoriadis y el grupo Socialismo o Barbarie, siendo ambas referencias claves en la formación de su imaginación, pensamiento, sensibilidad y práctica política.





