A sociological investigation between política/ prisoners during the late-Francoism
Prison, Sex, Poll, Late-FrancoismAbstract
From Mars to ]une 1975, few months befare the death of Franco, sorne sixty men, political prisoners interned in the Jaen jail (Spain), belonging to more than a dozen of ideologies and forbidden political parties, p ut up two different types of polls: one public ( open) andan other confidential ( secret) which is the one presented here. The 104 questions were self-formulate and cover a wide range of tapies, from the poli tic al motivations to the concept of aggressiveness, making special emphasis in the female-male relationship and the most intimate sexual aspects of it. All of this process of sociological selfdefinition was performed in severa! assemblies, itself an introspective research which was recorded in long-winded notes. This poll is justa part of the one thousand days of fieldwork developed in the seven Spanish prisons that were known by the author.
El arriba firmante quiere subrayar con trazo grueso que actuó como simple coordinador de las dos encuestas. La verdadera autoría de las dos investigaciones corresponde en derecho al conjunto de los presos políticos que, por aquel entonces, estábamos en la cárcel de Jaén. La dificultad objetiva para consultar -e incluso localizar- a la mayoría de sus compañeros de reclusión, le obligan a presentarlo sin sus firmas, cual sería punto de justicia y el deseo del arriba firmante.
Dos años después de salir en libertad, el arriba firmante entregó a un amigo un corto resumen de los resultados numéricos. Fue publicado en Cayetano Núñez y Juan González, Los presos, Dopesa, Barcelona, 1977; vid. pp. 50-65.
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