The mountaineers of the north of Albania and its territory (XVII-XIX centuries)
Elements of historical anthropology
Albania, Tribes, Parishes, Primogeniture, Customary lawAbstract
At the beginning of 20th century, Northem Albanian mountainous societies were the last societies without Sta te in Europe. Predominantly catholic, theywere govemed by a customa,y right (the kan un), and each one hada foundation's legend. Sorne gasps existed between legend and kan un, but at the advantage of the las t. Penetration 's attempts of this societies by foreign powers, from 16th to 18th centwy, were not completely successful: Papacy could not avo id a quite large penetration of the catholic dogma by the kanun, and Ottoman Empire doesn't succeed completely to impose his authority in the vendettas affairs. Precisely, at the decline of this Empire in the 19th century, a local dynasty tried to build a Catholic State in one of the tribal countries of Northern Albania. The paper coneludes by showing that it would be interesting to make a synthetical study about European societies without State, from Medieval to Contemporary period.
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