Mapuche's poetry: a clear image on a distorting mirror


  • Felipe Aranda Mera



Ethnoliterature, Mapuche, Chile, Literary criticism, Ethnic identity


Chile is a country of reference in the world of poetry. There are two Chilean Nobel prize winners and a salid reserve of poets well known beyond Chiles frontiers. Inside this tradition a new element appears: Mapuche poetry. Academic criticism has tried to elucidate this phenomenon, and for this it has constructed concepts like that of ethnoliterature, which has been the basis of every conception amund the Mapuches' poetry production. The present paper questions that notion and suggests a wider point of view free of cultural stereotypes and literary reductions.

Author Biography

Felipe Aranda Mera

Máster en Antropología Social por la Universidad Complutense, licenciado en Teoría de la Literatura y Literaturas Comparadas, doctorando en Antropología Social de la Universidad de Granada.


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