Historical discontinuity and anthropological continuities in contemporary art. An interview with Thierry Dufrene


  • Gabriel Cabello Padial Universidad de Granada
  • Thierry Dufrêne Université Paris Nanterre




Art history, Anthropology, Contemporary art, Giacometti, Dalí, Automatons


Taking as a starting point the main subjects of research of Thierry Dufrene, director of Centre Pierre Francastel, this dialogue deals with the ruptures that arrived in contemporary art after World War JI. Hence, taking the examples of Giacometti and Dalí, we can see the historical and política! ruptures between their pre-war and post-war works. However, we can also find anthropological continuities. The problems of psychic projection, which has been studied by neurologists, or of real movement, show a continuity between surrealism and contemporaneity that must be comprehended from a wider, anthropological point ofview. From this enlarged position, they can be seen as close to those stated by automatons and the anthropological double.

Author Biographies

Gabriel Cabello Padial, Universidad de Granada

Profesor de historiador del arte en la Universidad de Granada. Autor de diversas contribuciones al estudio de la relación entre la historia del arte y la antropología, y estudios sobre la historia del cine, en especial del libro La vida sin nombre: la lógica del espectáculo en David Lynch (2005).

Thierry Dufrêne, Université Paris Nanterre

Thierry Dufrêne es historiador del arte y director del Centro Pierre Francastel. Especialista en la obra de Alberto Giacometti y en las relaciones entre historia del arte y antropología, recientemente ha sido comisario de la exposición "Dalí" en el Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía (2013) y del coloquio "Histoire de l'art et anthropologie », organizado por el Institut National d'Histoire de l'Art y el Musée du Quai Branly (2007).





El estado del arte