
  • Davydd Greenwood Goldwin Professor emeritus Cornell University


right, heedfulness, solidarity, creativity, Cornell, Basque Country


Davydd Greenwood, anthropologist Godwin Smith Professor emeritus of the North American University of Cornell, and former director of the Institute for European Studies of this university, specialist in Spanish culture, in articulating Basque industrial -famous is his study on the Mondragón cooperative- and agrarian, made a vital journey in this article on his democratic ethical commitment through anthropology, and epistemic from his commitment to anthropology-action, of which he is one of its major representatives.

Author Biography

Davydd Greenwood, Goldwin Professor emeritus Cornell University

Davydd Greenwood es Goldwin Smith Professor of Anthropology, Director of the Institute for European Studies en Cornell University. Partidario de la investigación acción, ha llevado a cabo investigaciones en el País Vasco español, donde ha analizado el fenómeno de las cooperativas en la Corporación Mondragón. Es Miembro correspondiente de la Real Academia de Ciencias Morales y Políticas de España. Entre sus libros: Introduction to Action Research: Social Research for Social Change. 1998 (Con Morten Levin), Industrial Democracy as Process: Participatory Action Research in the Fagor Cooperative Group of Mondragón, (con José Luis González et alii).


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2022-10-15 — Updated on 2022-12-15


