The Historical Stone Quarries of Gabia la Grande (Granada, Southeast of Spain): Heritage Recovery through Ethnographic Sources


  • Luis Alcoba Rodríguez Doctorando de la Universidad de Granada MEMOLab. Laboratorio de Arqueología Biocultural
  • José María Martín Civantos Profesor titular de la Universidad de Granada MEMOLab. Laboratorio de Arqueología Biocultural



Gabia Grande, Watchtower, Historical quarry, Sandstone


With this work, the aim is to demonstrate the historical and patrimonial relevance of the sandstone quarries in Gabia Grande (Granada), located in the Atalaya site. The outcrops of this stone in its territory are evident to the naked eye, but with greater preponderance appears in this area as can be seen in figure 1. There are notable architectural evidences of the use of this material in the different historical stages as evidenced by the material testimonies, including the site of the Roman villa of Gabia with its cryptoportic, the Muslim tower in the square of El Fuerte, the photographic testimony of the Watchtower, the palace houses of the sixteenth century and the countless buildings scattered throughout the historic quarter. To this end, it has documented its territorial scope, the techniques used for the extraction of raw materials, the means of transport used, the protagonists who participated in the last decades of its exploitation, the construction techniques that were developed with this material in the buildings and the description of the urban areas where this material currently lives. Due to its importance as a constructive material and the proximity to the urban area, this raw material could constitute a source of development, both social and economic, for this population, possibly from the Ancient Age until the middle of the twentieth century.


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Author Biographies

Luis Alcoba Rodríguez, Doctorando de la Universidad de Granada MEMOLab. Laboratorio de Arqueología Biocultural

Licenciado en Historia. Máster Universitario en Historia: de Europa a América. Sociedades, Poderes, Culturas (EURAME) por la Universidad de Granada (2009-2013/2015). Tesis doctoral en curso, La Alquería de Gabia La Grande en la transición de al-Andaluz a Castilla.

José María Martín Civantos, Profesor titular de la Universidad de Granada MEMOLab. Laboratorio de Arqueología Biocultural

Profesor titular en el departamento de Historia Medieval en la Universidad de Granada. Coordina el MEMOLab, Laboratorio de Arqueología Biocultural (


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How to Cite

Alcoba Rodríguez, L., & Martín Civantos, J. M. (2024). The Historical Stone Quarries of Gabia la Grande (Granada, Southeast of Spain): Heritage Recovery through Ethnographic Sources. Erph_ Electronic Journal of Historical Heritage, (34), 152–185.



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