Agricultural heritage and sustainable local development. Characterization of the traditional vineyard landscape of Bollullos Par del Condado (Huelva)
heritage, vineyard, agriculture, cultural landscape, Condado de Huelva, DoñanaAbstract
Throughout history, agricultural families of Bollullos Par del Condado have been building their own territory and cultural identity around the cultivation of vines for the production and trade of wines and vinegars. This human development has generated a diverse, wide system of agricultural heritage with important cultural and natural values, both material and immaterial.
This collective heritage linked to the agrarian labours is not yet recognized by local or regional administrations. Until very recently, everything related to countryside has had a pejorative and humble character and was not worthy of recognition. On the other hand, several threats have appeared in recent decades, hindering the maintenance of this traditional activity under the same conditions as previously.
Therefore, the objective of this research is to establish the most appropriate technical criteria to include this type of heritage in the applicable regulations. This means providing mechanisms for its promotion and strategies to mitigate its threats. A holistic vision has been adopted for incorporating aspects from different disciplines. This allows to avoid the generation of partial visions or the restriction to specific heritage typologies. Instead, a single territorial interpretation of the agricultural heritage has been used.
The result of this study has been the scope of a pioneering heritage approach to this territory of "Condado de Huelva". The extensive and rich system linked to viticulture has been characterized and its heritage values to be safeguarded have been specified, promoting the achievement of a sustainable model of local development, guarantor of a harmonious relationship with the territory.
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