The Industrial Coffee heritage of the Soconusco: an approximation to the historic industrial sector


  • Ana Johari Mejía Robledo Investigadora Posdoctoral de la Fundación Alexander von Humboldt en la Universidad Libre de Berlín



Soconusco coffee plantations, industrial heritage, coffee technology, revalorization, cultural attraction., Soconusco coffee plantations, industrial heritage, coffee technology, revalorization, cultural attraction


The Soconusco region, located in southeastern Mexico, has been part of the world coffee market since the late 19th century. Its coffee quality standard and the taste of the beans were highly appreciated in the Global North until at least the Second World War. The Soconusco's plantations became a national benchmark in Mexican coffee exports thanks to capital investment, a consolidated consumer market and the use of advanced technology. However, Soconusco's coffee suffered several crises since the end of the 20th century that pushed planters to diversify their business into other sectors such as tourism and leisure. In this new and challenging scenario, Soconusco's unique coffee tradition together with its industrial heritage, in terms of historical technology, represent an added value for these new sectors. Using the Peru Paris estate as a case study, this article analyses the history of the technological development used in Sonosuco's coffee production, the uniqueness of its architecture and technology, as well as the documentary wealth of its coffee archives in order to implement its use as a tourist attraction. Our aim is to promote that these estates, which are strategic for the economic reactivation of the region due to their cultural interest, are protected and included in the cultural studies of Mexico's industrial heritage.


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Author Biography

Ana Johari Mejía Robledo, Investigadora Posdoctoral de la Fundación Alexander von Humboldt en la Universidad Libre de Berlín

Doctora en Historia del Arte por la Universidad de Oviedo (2015) con al tesis sobre Joaquín Rubio Camín (1929-2007): trayectoria biográfica y artística. Es coautora del volumen I y II del Catálogo razonado de Camín (2016), publicado por la Fundación María Cristina Masaveu Peterson. 

Entre los años 2017-2019 realizó una estancia de investigación en la Universidad Autónoma de México (UNAM sede CIMSUR), e inauguró una línea de investigación sobre el patrimonio industrial vinculado a las fincas de café del Soconusco, en Chiapas, México.

Ganadora de una beca de investigación posdoctoral concedida por la Fundación Alexander von Humboldt, realiza desde enero de 2021 una estancia de investigación en el Instituto Latinoamericano de la Universidad Libre de Berlín. Su trabajo académico gira en torno al patrimonio industrial histórico de las fincas de café y los intercambios tecnológicos vinculados al café entre México y Alemania

En la actualidad es miembro del grupo PIMCED (Patrimonio Industrial de México. Conservación, Estudios, Divulgación).



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Depósitos Documentales:

AFPP: Archivo de la finca Perú Paris en Tapachula, México.

APJF: Archivo Personal del Dr. Justus Fenner.



How to Cite

Mejía Robledo, A. J. (2021). The Industrial Coffee heritage of the Soconusco: an approximation to the historic industrial sector. Erph_ Electronic Journal of Historical Heritage, (29), 108–128.



Heritage and development