Citizens for the defence of heritage
Citizenship Initiatives, Protection of Heritage, Historic Heritage, World Heritage List, Salamanca, Intervention, DiffusionAbstract
The Citizen for the Defence of Heritage of Salamanca Association has developed since its creation 1999 an endless activity of surveillance and denounce of those interventions, usually conducted by the local goberment, that affect deeply and negatively to the heritage of the city. In this article are exposed the most important actions of diffusion and denounce that Association have done and that are remarkable because of two questions. On the one hand because of the importance that citizen have and assume in order to protect heritage, and on the other hand because these are fighting for the juridical regime of heritage to be respect in any intervention. Besides, being Salamanca inscribed on the World Heritage List, those who are responsible of heritage should take into account the international laws and principles that affect those kind of properties, something that is not always happening as we can see in some examples in this article.
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