Vol. 59 No. 2 (2020)

Published: 2020-05-08

Table of contents

The LEADER Approach in the new EAFRD 2014-2020 in Extremadura

  • Gema Cárdenas Alonso
  • Ana Nieto Masot
Published: May 8, 2020
Pages 5-27

Campo de Murcia, an area of low density of population in Southeastern Spain

  • Encarnación Gil-Meseguer
  • Miguel Borja Bernabé-Crespo
  • José Mª Gómez-Espín
Published: May 12, 2020
Pages 53-72

Functional urban processes in Iberia: an approach to the integration of the urban territory beyond metropolization processes

  • José Manuel Gómez Giménez
  • Teresa Vieira de Sá Marques
  • Agustín Hernández Aja
Published: May 15, 2020
Pages 93-128

Geoinformation for democratic memory

  • Rafael Sebastiá-Alcaraz
  • Emilia María Tonda-Monllor
Published: May 15, 2020
Pages 129-148

Quantifying human vulnerability to air degradation hazards in Madrid: a geotechnologies-based study

  • Antonio Moreno Jiménez
  • Maria Jesús Vidal Domínguez
  • Pedro Martínez Suárez
Published: May 17, 2020
Pages 149-177

Cartographic approach to structural vulnerability to earthquakes using a qualitative methodology: application to Toluca City

  • Alexis Ordaz Hernández
  • Jaime Amador Hernández Millán
  • Juan Carlos Garatachia Ramírez
Published: May 17, 2020
Pages 178-198

Altepetl as a landscape: a geographical model for New Spain and Independent Mexico

  • Federico Fernández Christlieb
  • Pedro Urquijo Torres
Published: May 17, 2020
Pages 221-240

Corological cartography of detail and global warming: Genista longipes Pau in the Serra d’Aitana (Alicante, Spain)

  • Juan Antonio Marco-Molina
  • Pablo Giménez-Font
  • David Azorín-Amorós
  • Ascensión Padilla-Blanco
  • Ángel Sánchez-Pardo
Published: May 20, 2020
Pages 287-307

Identification of flood zones from images (SAR) and historical flood events: case study Santiago de Cali, Colombia

  • Maria Eugenia Sevillano Rodriguez
  • Luis Carlos Bravo Peña
  • Luis Carlos Alatorre Cejudo
  • Elkin de Jesús Salcedo Hurtado
Published: May 20, 2020
Pages 308-329

Optimal location model of spas through spatial analysis in the province of Buenos Aires. Argentinian republic

  • Lucía Manuela Laffeuillade
  • Federico Gastón Barragán
  • Alejandra Mabel Geraldi
  • Johanna Arias
Published: May 22, 2020
Pages 330-348