Vol. 56 No. 1 (2017)

Published: 2017-05-02

Table of contents

The forest as an argument: geographic imaginary, forestry discourse and colonial space in Equatorial Guinea (1901-1968)

  • Juan Carlos Guerra Velasco
  • Henar Pascual Ruiz-Valdepeñas
Published: May 2, 2017
Pages 6-25

The vegetal landscape and forest habitats of Community interest in the Asturian Central Mountain

  • Salvador Beato Bergua
  • José Luis Marino Alfonso
  • Miguel Ángel Poblete Piedrabuena
Published: May 2, 2017
Pages 26-52

Demographic analysis of the Local Action Groups in Extremadura (Spain) in the period 2007-2014

  • Felipe Leco Berrocal
  • Antonio Pérez Díaz
  • Ana Beatriz Mateos Rodríguez
Published: May 2, 2017
Pages 76-100

The effect of territory in social mobility of households in the Región Metropolitana de Buenos Aires

  • Paula Boniolo
  • Bárbara Estévez Leston
Published: May 2, 2017
Pages 101-123

The Common Agricultural Policy and its reforms: reflections about the 2014-2020 reform

  • Remedios Larrubia Vargas
Published: May 2, 2017
Pages 124-147

Analysis of Leader Method (2007-2013) in Extremadura through GIS and Multivariate Analysis

  • Ana Nieto Masot
  • Gema Cárdenas Alonso
Published: May 2, 2017
Pages 148-171

Alternative food network in big cities: the farmers’ markets in Madrid

  • Ricardo Méndez Gutiérrez del Valle
  • Obdulia Monteserín Abella
Published: May 2, 2017
Pages 193-216

Application of the principles of strategic tourism planning. Analysis of a process of scale

  • Ginesa Martínez del Vas
Published: May 2, 2017
Pages 265-289

Rebuilding the history of tourism through the press: the evolution of the tourist areas of Seville (1915-2015)

  • Arsenio Villar Lama
  • Alfonso Fernández Tabales
Published: May 2, 2017
Pages 290-321

Contested cultural heritage: the Mosque-Cathedral of Cordoba

  • Jaime Jover Báez
  • Brian Rosa
Published: May 2, 2017
Pages 322-343

From 15M to the electoral turn. Space projects and political fetish in collective action strategies

  • Ibán Díaz Parra
  • Jaime Jover Báez
  • Beltrán Roca Martínez
Published: May 2, 2017
Pages 344-364

Fronteras, Conflictos y Paz

  • Nora Marcela Jaimes Méndez
  • Javier Ivan Soledad Suescún
Published: May 2, 2017
Pages 366-370