Vol. 36 No. 1 (2005): La población española: nuevo siglo, nuevos datos, nuevos perfiles

La población española: nuevo siglo, nuevos datos, nuevos perfiles

Published: 2014-03-02

Table of contents


  • Sin Autor
Published: Mar 2, 2005
Pages 11-12

News of the population of Spain based on the 2001 population census

  • Vicente Gonzálvez Pérez
Published: Mar 2, 2005
Pages 15-33

Localization of immigrant population in Spain according to the population Census 2001. Main characteristics

  • Mª Jesús González González
  • Mª Luisa de Lázaro y Torres
Published: Mar 2, 2005
Pages 35-49

The Latinamericanisation of immigration in Spain

  • Raquel Martínez Buján
  • Montse Golías Pérez
Published: Mar 3, 2005
Pages 51-64

Marriage guidelines between immigrant inhabitants in spain: The cultural challenge

  • Belén Sanjurjo Rodríguez
Published: Mar 3, 2005
Pages 65-77

Of the connected population in fact to the tie population

  • Julio Vinuesa Angulo
Published: Mar 3, 2005
Pages 79-90

Corporate Information Systems and their application to sociodemographic microanalysis: a methodologic proposal

  • Josefina Domínguez Mújica
  • Juan Manuel Parreño Castellano
Published: Mar 3, 2005
Pages 91-103

Integration of models in the explanation of the fecundity

  • Julio A. del Pino Artacho
Published: Mar 3, 2005
Pages 105-124

The dynamic demographic in Andalucía in the last quarter of the XX century

  • José Antonio Nieto Calmaestra
  • Carmen Egea Jiménez
Published: Mar 3, 2005
Pages 125-151

The foreign inmigration in Andalusia

  • María Eugenia Urdiales Viedma
  • Milagros Menéndez Collantes
Published: Mar 3, 2005
Pages 169-184

Profile of foreign population dedicated to the oldest occupation in the world in Huelva

  • Mercedes Gordo Márquez
Published: Mar 3, 2005
Pages 243-254

The elderly to the loft. The process of biological and social degradation in the aged population of Granada

  • Diego Compán Vázquez
  • Diego Sánchez González
Published: Mar 3, 2014
Pages 255-274

Demographic changes in the urban sprawl of granada and plan of arrangement of the territory

  • J. A. Cañete Pérez
  • J. M. Lozano Maldonado
  • J. M. Sáenz Lorite
Published: Mar 4, 2005
Pages 275-289

The neighborhood seen by its settlers. Search of significant elements for de quality of life

  • Ligia Sáchez Tovar
  • Juan Carlos de Pablos Ramírez
Published: Mar 4, 2005
Pages 291-306

The repercussions of the migratory movements in the structure of the aragonese population

  • Layla Haffar López
  • África Heredia Laclaustra
Published: Mar 4, 2005
Pages 319-332

Approach to return migration in Aragón

  • Raúl Lardiés Bosque
Published: Mar 4, 2005
Pages 333-347

Recent transrformations in the distribution of the population in the Canaries

  • Antonio Álvarez Alonso
  • Jesús Hernández Hernández
  • Moisés Simancas Cruz
Published: Mar 4, 2005
Pages 349-360

Economic-demographic growth and the territorial inequality in Canaries in nineties

  • Ramón Díaz Hernández
  • Juan Manuel Parreño Castellano
Published: Mar 4, 2005
Pages 361-373

Demographic analysis of Castilla-La Mancha according to the two last census of population

  • Mª Lourdes Campos Romero
  • Mª Consuelo Sánchez García
Published: Mar 4, 2005
Pages 375-385

The rural population in Catalonia: between the slope and the revitalization.

  • Ariadna García Coll
  • Dolores Sánchez Aguilera
Published: Mar 4, 2005
Pages 387-407

Households and residential changes: Space differentiation of the households in the Metropolitan Region of Barcelona 1986-2001

  • Cristina López Villanueva
  • Isabel Pujadas Rúbies
Published: Mar 4, 2005
Pages 409-435

Spatial distribution patterns of the foreign Morocco population in Barcelona, 1991-2005

  • Jordi Bayona i Carrasco
Published: Mar 4, 2005
Pages 437-449

Sociodemographic impact of foreign immigration in Vic (Osona)

  • Lucía González Rodríguez
Published: Mar 4, 2005
Pages 451-463

Analysis of the populantion of the programs of rura development in Extremadura by means of G.I.S.

  • Ana Nieto Masot
  • José Luis Gurría Gascón
Published: Mar 4, 2005
Pages 479-495

Demographic evolution of Galicia in the period 1991-2001

  • Julio Hernández Borge
Published: Mar 4, 2014
Pages 497-506

A hidden city: social exclusion and urban marginality. Examples through Galicia

  • Luis Alfonso Escudero Gómez
Published: Mar 4, 2014
Pages 517-526

Changes in the cities of de high speed line Madrid-Seville since its establishment

  • Mª Pilar González Yanci
  • Mª José Aguilera Arilla
  • Mª Pilar Borderías Uribeondo
  • José Miguel Santos Preciado
Published: Mar 5, 2005
Pages 527-547

Population and Health

  • Ana Olivera Poll
Published: Mar 5, 2005
Pages 551-552

The challenges of the maternal-childlike health portuguese in the starts of the 21st century

  • Paula Cristina Almeida Remoaldo
Published: Mar 5, 2005
Pages 553-561

The socioeconomic context and the impact of the inequalities in the health

  • Antonio Daponte
Published: Mar 5, 2005
Pages 569-570

Estimation of the load of illness in Spain in the year 2000

  • Ricard Génova Maleras
  • Elena Álvarez Martín
  • Consuelo Morant Ginestar
Published: Mar 5, 2005
Pages 571-576

IX Congress of the Spanish Population: new century, new data, new profiles

  • Manuel Sáenz Lorite
Published: Mar 5, 2005
Pages 587-589